Central Nervous System Disorders, Intracranial -- See Brain Diseases
Pathologic conditions affecting the BRAIN, which is composed of the intracranial components of the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. This includes (but is not limited to) the CEREBRAL CORTEX; intracranial white matter; BASAL GANGLIA; THALAMUS; HYPOTHALAMUS; BRAIN STEM; and CEREBELLUM
A class of drugs producing both physiological and psychological effects through a variety of mechanisms. They can be divided into "specific" agents, e.g., affecting an identifiable molecular mechanism unique to target cells bearing receptors for that agent, and "nonspecific" agents, those producing effects on different target cells and acting by diverse molecular mechanisms. Those with nonspecific mechanisms are generally further classed according to whether they produce behavioral depression or stimulation. Those with specific mechanisms are classed by locus of action or specific therapeutic use. (From Gilman AG, et al., Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 8th ed, p252)
Central nervous system -- Effect of radiation on : Radiation exposures in space and the potential for central nervous system effects : phase II : recommendations / of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements
Central Nervous System Fungal Infections : Fungal infections of the central nervous system : pathogens, diagnosis, and management / Mehmet Turgut, Sundaram Challa, Ali Akhaddar, editors
Central nervous system -- Imaging -- Outlines, syllabi, etc : Diseases of the brain, head & neck, spine : diagnostic imaging and interventional techniques / 40th International Diagnostic Course in Davos (IDKD), Davos, March 30-April 4, 2008, including the Nuclear Medicine Satellite Course "Diamond," Davos, March 28-30, 2008, Pediatric Satellite Course "Kangaroo," Davos, March 29-30, 2008, presented by the Foundation for the Advancement of Education in Medical Radiology, Zurich ; J. Hodler, G.K. von Schulthess, Ch. L. Zollikofer (eds)
Pathogenic infections of the brain, spinal cord, and meninges. DNA VIRUS INFECTIONS; RNA VIRUS INFECTIONS; BACTERIAL INFECTIONS; MYCOPLASMA INFECTIONS; SPIROCHAETALES INFECTIONS; fungal infections; PROTOZOAN INFECTIONS; HELMINTHIASIS; and PRION DISEASES may involve the central nervous system as a primary or secondary process
Central Nervous System Intracranial Disorders -- See Brain Diseases
Pathologic conditions affecting the BRAIN, which is composed of the intracranial components of the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. This includes (but is not limited to) the CEREBRAL CORTEX; intracranial white matter; BASAL GANGLIA; THALAMUS; HYPOTHALAMUS; BRAIN STEM; and CEREBELLUM