Centros de documentacao. : Ressources pour les bibliothèques et centres documentaires scolaires / Section des bibliothèques et centres documentaires scolaires ; édité par Paulette Bernhard ; avec la participation de Colette Charrier [and others] = Resourcebook for school libraries and resource centers / Section of School Libraries and Resource Centres ; edited by Paulette Bernhard ; with the participation of Colette Charrier [and others]
Centros de proceso de datos Ciencias sociales : Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the Computational Social Science Society of the Americas / Ted Carmichael, Zining Yang, editors
Centrul Soros pentru Arta Contemporană. / http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/nr98004743 : Postsocialist contemporary : the institutionalization of artistic practice in Eastern Europe after 1989 / Octavian Esanu
Centurion (Ship) / http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n92055626 : Anson's voyage around the world / Richard Walter ; with introduction, notes and glossary by H.W. Household, M.A