Cerveau Foetus : Fetal and neonatal brain injury : mechanisms, management, and the risks of practice / edited by David K. Stevenson, William E. Benitz, and Philip Sunshine ; foreword by Avroy A. Fanaroff
Cerveau -- Maladies chez l'enfant. : Fetal and neonatal brain injury : mechanisms, management, and the risks of practice / edited by David K. Stevenson, William E. Benitz, and Philip Sunshine ; foreword by Avroy A. Fanaroff
Cerveau -- Maladies -- Réadaptation. : Brain Injury Medicine : Principles and Practice / edited by Nathan D. Zasler, Douglas I. Katz, Ross D. Zafonte
Cerveau -- Modèles. : The computational brain / Patricia S. Churchland and Terrence J. Sejnowski
Cerveau -- Modèles mathématiques. : Connectionist modeling and brain function : the developing interface / edited by Stephen José Hanson and Carl R. Olson
Cerveau -- Physiologie -- Bibliographie. : The history of the brain and mind sciences : technique, technology, therapy / edited by Stephen T. Casper and Delia Gavrus
Cervelet -- anatomie et histologie. : Duvernoy's atlas of the human brain stem and cerebellum : high-field MRI : surface anatomy, internal structure, vascularization and 3D sectional anatomy / Thomas P. Naiedich [and others] ; with contributions by T. Benner [and others] ; drawings by Jean-Louis Vannson
Cervelet -- Atlas. : Duvernoy's atlas of the human brain stem and cerebellum : high-field MRI : surface anatomy, internal structure, vascularization and 3D sectional anatomy / Thomas P. Naiedich [and others] ; with contributions by T. Benner [and others] ; drawings by Jean-Louis Vannson
Cervero, Ronald M. : Power in practice : adult education and the struggle for knowledge and power in society / [edited by] Ronald M. Cervero, Arthur L. Wilson, and associates ; foreword by Michael W. Apple
Cervesa. : Brewing science : a multidisciplinary approach / Michael Mosher, Kenneth Trantham
Cerveteri : Caere / edited by Nancy Thomson de Grummond and Lisa C. Pieraccini