Chairs (Cathedra) : Britain's medieval episcopal thrones : history, archaeology and conservation / Charles Tracy ; with a chapter by Andrew Budge and contributions by Hugh Harrison [and 5 others]
Chairs (Cathedra) -- Great Britain : Britain's medieval episcopal thrones : history, archaeology and conservation / Charles Tracy ; with a chapter by Andrew Budge and contributions by Hugh Harrison [and 5 others]
Chairs -- United States -- Catalogs : 300 years of American seating furniture : chairs and beds from the Mabel Brady Garvan and other collections at Yale University / Patricia E. Kane
Chaitanya (Sect) -- History : The final word : the Caitanya caritāmṛta and the grammar of religious tradition / Tony K. Stewart
Chaitanya (Sect) -- India -- Bengal : Caitanya Vaiṣṇavism in Bengal : social impact and historical implications / Joseph T. O'Connell ; edited by Rembert Lutjeharms