Child rearing -- Israel : Mothering, education and culture : Russian, Palestinian and Jewish middle-class mothers in Israeli society / Deborah Golden, Lauren Erdreich, Sveta Roberman
Child rearing -- Japan. : Child development and education in Japan / edited by Harold Stevenson, Hiroshi Azuma, Kenji Hakuta
Child rearing -- Nunavut : Illiniq. Season 6, Episode 7, Parenting / producer : Mosesie Kipanik ; co-producer : Aida Maigre-Touchet ; produced in association with Aboriginal Peoples Television Network
Child rearing -- Québec (Province) -- History : Abuse or punishment? : violence towards children in Québec families, 1850-1969 / Marie-Aimée Cliche ; translated by W. Donald Wilson
Child rearing -- Quotations, maxims, etc. : Family wisdom : the 2,000 most important things ever said about parenting, children, and family life / [compiled by] Susan Ginsberg
Child rearing -- Social aspects -- Kenya : The role of local knowledge and culture in child care in Africa : a sociological study of several ethnic groups in Kenya and Uganda / Auma Okwany, Elizabeth Ngutuku, and Arthur Muhangi ; with a foreword by Kofi Marfo
Child rearing -- Social aspects -- Uganda : The role of local knowledge and culture in child care in Africa : a sociological study of several ethnic groups in Kenya and Uganda / Auma Okwany, Elizabeth Ngutuku, and Arthur Muhangi ; with a foreword by Kofi Marfo
The training or bringing-up of children by parents or parent-substitutes. It is used also for child rearing practices in different societies, at different economic levels, in different ethnic groups, etc. It differs from PARENTING in that in child rearing the emphasis is on the act of training or bringing up the child and the interaction between the parent and child, while parenting emphasizes the responsibility and qualities of exemplary behavior of the parent