Children -- Lithuania -- Social conditions : Advocating for children and families in an emerging democracy : the post-Soviet experience in Lithuania / edited by Judy W. Kugelmass and Dennis J. Ritchie
Here are entered works on the principles and techniques of raising children. Works on the psycho-social interaction between parents and their minor children are entered under Parent and child. Works on the skills, attributes and attitudes needed for parenthood are entered under Parenting
Children, Māori -- Education (Early childhood) : Young children's community building in action : embodied, emplaced and relational citizenship / Louise Gwenneth Phillips, Jenny Ritchie, Lavina Dynevor, Jared Lambert and Kerryn Mornoney
Children -- Medical care -- United States : Quality of care for children and adolescents : a review of selected clinical conditions and quality indicators / Elizabeth A. McGlynn [and others], editors
Children -- Medical examinations -- Louisiana -- Bogalusa. : Cardiovascular risk factors in children : the early natural history of atherosclerosis and essential hypertension / by Gerald S. Berenson and C. A. McMahan ... [and others] ; with the editorial assistance of Caroline Andrews and Helen E. Hester
Children medicine : The Great Ormond Street Hospital manual of children's nursing practices / edited by Susan Macqueen, Elizabeth Anne Bruce, Faith Gibson
Children Mental illness Etiology : Emotion regulation and psychopathology in children and adolescents / edited by Cecilia A. Essau, Sara Leblanc, Thomas H. Ollendick
Children -- Mexico -- Death : Educación, violencia y muerte en menores mexicanos : temas útiles al peritaje para infantes / Liliana Torres Sanders, coordinadora
Children -- Middle East -- History : Children and childhood in the Ottoman empire : from the 15th to the 20th century / edited by Gülay Yilmaz and Fruma Zachs ; consultant editor: Colin Heywood