Chin, Marilyn. Floral apron : Poetry for students. Volume 41 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied poetry / Sara Constantakis, project editor ; foreword by David J. Kelly
Chin, Marilyn. How I got that name : Poetry for students. Volume 28 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied poetry / Ira Mark Milne, project editor
Chin, Mel, 1951- : Art 21 : art in the twenty-first century : season one / series created by Susan Sollins and Susan Dowling
Here are entered compositions not in a specific form or of a specific type for solo qin, and collections of compositions in several forms or types for solo qin --headings for forms and types of music that include "qin" and headings with medium of performance that include "qin"
Chin, Ray, 1923- : Dinky-di : the contributions of Chinese immigrants and Australians of Chinese descent to Australia's defence forces and war efforts 1899-1988 / Morag Loh ; edited by Judith Winternitz
China 5G mobile communication systems : Nova. Inside China's tech boom / produced by David Borenstein, Kaiser Kuo, Liyan Ma, Xiyan Yu ; directed by David Borenstein, Xiyan Yu ; a Nova production by Windfall Films Ltd. (part of the Argonon Group) for GBH
China Abalones Hong Kong Marketing : Market analysis of abalone in Hong Kong / specially prepared for Primary Industries and Resources South Australia [by] Jebsen Consult
China Abandoned children : Outsourced children : orphanage care and adoption in globalizing China / Leslie K. Wang
China Abandoned quarries Congresses : Ancient underground opening and preservation / editors, Zhifa Yang, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Chikaosa Tanimoto, Osaka University, Japan
China Abortion History : Reproductive realities in modern China : birth control and abortion, 1911-2021 / Sarah Mellors Rodriguez, Missouri State University
China Abuse of rights : Power versus law in modern China : cities, courts, and the Communist Party / Qiang Fang and Xiaobing Li
China Abused children Hong Kong Case studies : Responding to child abuse : procedures and practice for child protection in Hong Kong / edited by Charles O'Brian, Cheng Chung Yau Ling, and Nancy Rhind