--subdivision Vocational guidance under names of individual corporate bodies and military services, and under occupations, fields of endeavor, and types of industries, e.g. United States. Army--Vocational guidance; Construction industry--Vocational guidance
Choice of transportation -- Australia -- Western Australia -- Perth : Population growth, jobs growth and commuting flows in Perth / Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government ; Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics
Choice of transportation -- California -- Los Angeles : The Exposition Light Rail Line study : "before-after" opening travel impacts and new resident sample preliminary analysis / Marlon G. Boarnet, Doug Houston, and Steven Spears
Choice of transportation -- Canada : Behind the wheel : opportunities for Canadians to drive less, reduce pollution and save money / Cherise Burda [and others]
Choice of transportation -- Data processing : Travel behavior characteristics analysis technology based on mobile phone location data methodology and empirical research / Fei Yang, Zhenxing Yao
Choice of transportation -- Georgia -- Atlanta. : Mode choice model development : procedure and results / by Alan M. Voorhees & Associates, Inc. ; prepared for the Atlanta Area Transportation Study ; contract with State Highway Department of Georgia, in cooperation with U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Public Roads
Choice of transportation -- Statistical methods. : A data base for the evaluation of road user risk in Australia : report / prepared for the Federal Office of Road Safety by Socialdata Australia
Choice (Pscyhology) in mass media : Islands and captivity in popular culture : $$b a critical study of film, television and literature / $$c Laura J. Getty