Christian poetry, German -- Early modern : Anhang zu Todesgedanken und Todten-Andenken : Emblemata, Erklärungen Und Andachtlieder Zu Johann Michael Dilherrs Emblematischer Hand- Und Reisepostille / Sigmund Von Birken ; Herausgegeben von Johann Anselm Steiger
Christian poetry, German -- Early modern, 1500-1700. : Anhang zu Todesgedanken und Todten-Andenken : Emblemata, Erklärungen Und Andachtlieder Zu Johann Michael Dilherrs Emblematischer Hand- Und Reisepostille / Sigmund Von Birken ; Herausgegeben von Johann Anselm Steiger
Christian poetry, Greek -- History and criticism. : Channels of imperishable fire : the beginnings of Christian mystical poetry and Dioscorus of Aphrodito / Clement A. Kuehn ; foreword by J.H.W.G. Liebeschuetz
Christian poetry -- Juvenile literature. : The open book : a collection of stories, essays, poems, songs and music for girls and boys and every member of all Christian families / [edited by Pamela Whitlock] ; with drawings by Marcia Lane Foster
Here are entered general and Christian works on the art of writing and delivering sermons. Collections of sermons by two or more authors, not limited to one language or religion, and collections of Christian sermons by two or more authors, not limited to one language or Christian denomination are entered under Sermons
Here are entered works on a movement in American evangelicalism that believes the church is to exercise control over all aspects of society before the Second Advent
Christian Reformed Churches of Australia Elders (Church officers) : Christ's under-shepherds : an exploration of pastoral care methods by elders in the Christian Reformed Churches of Australia relevant to the circumstances of twenty-first-century Australia / Leo Douma