Christian women saints -- Hungary : Legenda vetus, Acta processus canonizationis, et Miracula Sanctae Margaritae de Hungaria = The oldest legend, Acts of the canonization process, and Miracles of Saint Margaret of Hungary / edited by Ildikó Csepregi, Gábor Klaniczay and Bence Péterfi ; translated by Ildikó Csepregi, Clifford Flanigan and Louis Perraud
Christian women saints -- Hungary -- Biography : The life and afterlife of St. Elizabeth of Hungary : testimony from her canonization hearings / [translated with notes and interpretive essays by] Kenneth Baxter Wolf
Christian women -- Spiritual life : Lifelong religion as habitus : religious practice among displaced Karelian Orthodox women in Finland / by Helena Kupari
Here are entered works on the Christian festivals with their cycles, as making up the Christian or church year. Works on the origin of festivals and fasts are entered under Fasts and feasts. Works containing computations for finding these days are entered under Church calendar
Christian youth -- England -- London : London youth, religion, and politics : engagement and activism from Brixton to Brick Lane / Daniel Nilsson DeHanas
Christian youth -- France : Le Pèlerinage de la jeunesse française à Rome, septembre-octobre 1891 : Récit d'un pèlerin / Fenelon Sarton
Christian youth -- Psychology : Phenomenology of survival narratives : evangelical youth and Christian cultural capital / Cari Myers