Church and state -- Italy -- Naples (Kingdom) : Church and state in Spanish Italy : rituals and legitimacy in the kingdom of Naples / Céline Dauverd, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Church and state -- Italy -- To 1500 : The Monarchia controversy : an historical study with accompanying translations of Dante Alighieri's Monarchia, Guido Vernani's Refutation of the Monarchia composed by Dante and Pope John XXII's bull, Si fratrum / by Anthony K. Cassell
Church and state -- Melanesia. : Religion and nation-state formation in Melanesia : 1945 to Independence / Graham Hume Hassall
Church and state -- Mennonites : Baptism, peace, and the state in the Reformed and Mennonite traditions / edited by Ross T. Bender and Alan P.F. Sell ; essays by Alan P.F. Sell [and others]
Church and state -- Mennonites -- Congresses : Baptism, peace, and the state in the Reformed and Mennonite traditions / edited by Ross T. Bender and Alan P.F. Sell ; essays by Alan P.F. Sell [and others]
Church and state -- Mexico -- Drama : La guerra santa / CONACINE presenta ; argumento y libro cinematográfico, Carlos Enrique Taboada ; dirección, Carlos Enrique Taboada
Church and state -- Netherlands -- History. : Religion, political culture, and the emergence of early modern society : essays in German and Dutch history / by Heinz Schilling
Church and state -- New England -- History -- 17th century : To contest with all the powers of darkness : New England Baptists, religious liberty, and new political landscapes, 1740-1833 / Jacob E. Hicks ; Keith Harper [writer of foreword]
Church and state -- New Spain -- Congresses : Normatividades e instituciones eclesiasticas en la Nueva Espana, siglos XVI-XIX / Benedetta Albani, Otto Danwerth, Thomas Duve (eds.)