Church and the world -- Congresses. : Sanctity and secularity; the church and the world : papers read at the eleventh summer meeting and the twelfth winter meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society / edited by Derek Baker
Church and the world -- Papal documents. : Encyclical letter Centesimus annus of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II : on the hundredth anniversary of Rerum novarum : appendix, A century of Catholic social teaching, pastoral letter of the Australian Catholic bishops to commemorate the centenary of Rerum novarum
Church and the world -- Textbooks : A world of diversity : the role of religion in society : a student textbook for religion and society unit 1 / Marie Bagh
The name given to all Christian denominations, sects, or groups rising out of the Reformation. Protestant churches generally agree that the principle of authority should be the Scriptures rather than the institutional church or the pope. (from W.L. Reese, Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion, 1999)
Church Apostolicity -- See Also the narrower term Petrine office
Here are entered works on the ministry of unity and leadership exercised by Saint Peter and that thereafter individuals or bodies exercise collegially for the whole Church after his example or as his successors. Works on the authority and jurisdiction that the Bishop of Rome in his office as successor of Saint Peter exercises over the universal Church are entered under Popes--Primacy
Church -- Apostolicity. : The alleged papal supremacy of the first two centuries : an examination of some of the passages in the replies of the the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne to the Bishop of Ballarat and the Rev. Canon Potter / by W. Stacey Chapman
Church architecture -- 20th century. : Sigurd Lewerentz, 1885-1975 / edited by Nicola Flora, Paolo Giardiello and Gennaro Postiglione ; with an essay by Colin St John Wilson
Church architecture -- Armenia -- History : The Church of the Holy Cross of Ałt'amar : politics, art, spirituality in the Kingdom of Vaspurakan / edited by Zaroui Pogossian, Edda Vardanyan
Church architecture -- Armenia (Republic) : Arkhitekturnye ansambli Armenii : 8 v. do n.ė.-19 v. n.ė. / O. Kh. Khalpakhchʹi͡an = Architectural ensembles of Armenia : 8 c. B.C.-19 [c.] A.D. / O. Kh. Khalpakhchian
Church architecture -- Asia. : The place where God dwells : an introduction to church architecture in Asia / Masao Takenaka
Church architecture -- Australia -- Alice Springs (N.T.) : The John Flynn Memorial Church, Alice Springs, erected by the Australian Inland Mission of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, 1956 : the design and its significance / by Arthur A. Philpot
Church architecture -- Australia -- Victoria -- History. : The effect of the implementation of the decrees of the second Vatican Council on the art and architecture of Roman Catholic churches in Victoria / Daniel Francis Drew