Church architecture -- France -- L'Abresle : La Tourette : the Le Corbusier monastery / photographs by Bernhard Moosbrugger, translated [from the German] by Janet Seligman
Church architecture -- France -- Paris Region : The template-makers of the Paris basin : toichological techniques for identifying the pioneers of the Gothic movement with an examination of art-historical methodology / John James
Church architecture -- France -- Paris Region -- History : The template-makers of the Paris basin : toichological techniques for identifying the pioneers of the Gothic movement with an examination of art-historical methodology / John James
Church architecture -- Georgia (Republic) : Architecture and asceticism : cultural interaction between Syria and Georgia in late antiquity / by Emma Loosley Leeming
Church architecture -- Germany -- History. : Twentieth century church architecture in Germany : documentation - presentation - interpretation / English translation by Paul J. Dine
Church architecture -- Germany, Southern. : South German baroque : an introduction based on a group of ten churches : Obermachtal, Weingarten, Ettal, Steinhausen, Wies Birnau, Zwiefalten, Ottobeuren, Rott Am Inn, Wiblingen / by T.H.B. Burrough
Church architecture -- Iberian Peninsula -- Congresses : Neugotik global -- kolonial -- postkolonial : Gotisierende Sakralarchitektur auf der Iberischen Halbinsel und in Lateinamerika vom 19. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert = Neogótico global -- colonial -- postcolonial : arquitectura sagrada neogótica en la Peninsula Ibérica y América Latina del siglo XIX al XXI / Barbara Borngässer und Bruno Klein (Hrsg./eds.)
Church architecture -- Indonesia. : Pola inkulturasi arsitektur pada gereja-gereja Protestan dan Katolik di Bali dan Jawa Tenga / oleh Salmon Priaji Martana
Church architecture -- Influence : In the shadow of the church : the building of mosques in early medieval Syria / by Mattia Guidetti
Church architecture -- Ireland -- Dublin : Newman University Church, Dublin : architectural revivalism in the British Isles and the authority of form / Niamh Bhalla
Church architecture -- Judaea (Region) : Christians and Christianity. Volume IV, Churches and monasteries in Judea / [editor, Noga Carmin ; English translation, Edward Levin, Carl Ebert, and Michael Gugenheim]
Church architecture -- Latin America -- Congresses : Neugotik global -- kolonial -- postkolonial : Gotisierende Sakralarchitektur auf der Iberischen Halbinsel und in Lateinamerika vom 19. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert = Neogótico global -- colonial -- postcolonial : arquitectura sagrada neogótica en la Peninsula Ibérica y América Latina del siglo XIX al XXI / Barbara Borngässer und Bruno Klein (Hrsg./eds.)