Church lands -- Great Britain : An enquiry into the customary-estates and tenant-rights of those who hold lands of church and other foundations, by the tenure of three lives and twenty-one years : with some considerations for restraining excessive fines / by Everard Fleetwood
Church lands -- Law and legislation : Los bienes de la Iglesia en México (1856-1875) : aspectos económicos y sociales de la Revolución liberal / Jan Bazant
Church Latin Latin language Rhetoric : Empire of eloquence : the classical rhetorical tradition in colonial Latin America and the Iberian world / Stuart M. McManus
Here are entered works on the legal aspects of Christianity in Christian countries. Works on the legal aspects of matters of religion under secular or national legal systems are entered under Religious law and legislation --subdivision Government under denominations, e.g. Presbyterian Church--Government
Here are entered works on leadership within Christian institutions and organizations. Works on Christian views of leadership are entered under Leadership--Religious aspects--Christianity
The name given to all Christian denominations, sects, or groups rising out of the Reformation. Protestant churches generally agree that the principle of authority should be the Scriptures rather than the institutional church or the pope. (from W.L. Reese, Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion, 1999)
Church management -- Case studies : Social identity, conflict management, religion and a building : peaks and valleys in the life of a large Christian church / Arnold R. Anderson & Cheryl R. Anderson