Here are entered works on the occurrence of crime. Works on the discipline that studies the causes, detection and prevention of crime, and the treatment or punishment of criminals, are entered under Criminology. Works on the criminal justice system are entered under Criminal justice, Administration of --subdivision Crimes against under classes of persons and ethnic groups; and headings beginning with the word Criminal
City dwellers -- Belgium -- Antwerp -- Language : Jazyková krajina jako kronika komplexity : etnografický pohled na superdiverzifikovanou společnost / Jan Blommaert ; z anglického originálu Ethnography, superdiversity and linguistic landscapes: chronicles of complexity ... přeložil Kryštof Herold
City dwellers -- Brazil -- Salvador -- Social conditions : Urban claims and the right to the city : grassroots perspectives from London and Salvador da Bahia = Reivindicações urbanas e o direito à cidade : perspectivas populares de Londres e do Salvador / edited by Julian Walker, Marcos Bau Carvalho and Ilinca Diaconescu ; photographs by Angus Stewart
City dwellers -- Dwellings -- Case studies. : Our house in the city : new urban homes and architecture / [edited by Sven Ehmann and Sofia Borges ; text and preface by Sofia Borges]
City dwellers -- England -- London -- Social conditions : Urban claims and the right to the city : grassroots perspectives from London and Salvador da Bahia = Reivindicações urbanas e o direito à cidade : perspectivas populares de Londres e do Salvador / edited by Julian Walker, Marcos Bau Carvalho and Ilinca Diaconescu ; photographs by Angus Stewart
City dwellers -- Health and hygiene : Bridging silos : collaborating for environmental health and justice in urban communities / Katrina Smith Korfmacher
City dwellers -- Mental health : Mental health and illness in the city / Niels Okkels, Christina Blanner Kristiansen, Povl Munk-Jørgensen, editors ; with a special contribution by D. Goldberg and G. Thornicroft
City dwellers -- New York (State) -- New York -- Interviews : Summer in the city / von Christian Schwarzwald, Robert Leacock ; text, Uwe Johnson ; Blackwood Productions, Inc. ; a Michael Blackwood Productions release = by Christian Schwarzwald and Robert Leacock ; text, Uwe Johnson ; Blackwood Productions , Inc. ; a Michael Blackwood Productions release
City dwellers -- Protection -- Congresses : Resilience of cities to terrorist and other threats : learning from 9/11 and further research issues / edited by Hans J. Pasman and Igor A. Kirillov
City dwellers -- Religious life -- Asia : Handbook of religion and the Asian city : aspiration and urbanization in the twenty-first century / edited by Peter van der Veer