Climatic changes -- Antilles, Greater -- Congresses : Cambio climático y sus impactos en el Gran Caribe / Jacqueline Laguardia Martínez (coord.) ; Grupo de Trabajo, Crisis, respuestas y alternativas en el Gran Caribe
Climatic changes -- Arab countries : Adaptation to a changing climate in the Arab countries : a case for adaptation governance and leadership in building climate resilience / Dorte Verner
Climatic changes -- Asia, Central -- Congresses : Environmental security and sustainable land use : with special reference to Central Asia / edited by Hartmut Vogtmann and Nikolai Dobretsov ; with the collaboration of Astrid Mittelstaedt
Climatic changes -- Atlantic Coast (North America) : The archaeology of human-environmental dynamics on the North American Atlantic coast / edited by Leslie Reeder-Myers, John A. Turck, and Torben C. Rick ; foreword by Victor D. Thompson
Climatic changes -- attitudes to : Climate Change Frames and Frame Formation : an Analysis of Climate Change Communication in the Swedish Agricultural Sector
Climatic changes -- Australasia -- Evaluation. : Australasian impacts of climate change : an assessment of vulnerability : extracted from The regional impacts of climate change : an assessment of vulnerability / edited by Robert T. Watson ... [and others]
Climatic changes -- Australia -- Macquarie River Region (N.S.W) : Climate change scenarios and managing the scarce water resources of the Macquarie River / prepared by Hassall & Associates Pty Ltd ... and CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research under the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Grants Program
Climatic changes -- Australia -- New South Wales -- Macquarie River Region : Climate change scenarios and managing the scarce water resources of the Macquarie River / prepared by Hassall & Associates Pty Ltd ... and CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research under the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Grants Program
Climatic changes -- Australia -- New South Wales -- Macquaries River Region : Climate change scenarios and managing the scarce water resources of the Macquarie River / prepared by Hassall & Associates Pty Ltd ... and CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research under the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Grants Program
Climatic changes -- Balkan Peninsula -- Congresses : Global Environmental Change: Challenges to Science and Society in Southeastern Europe : Selected Papers presented in the International Conference held 19-21 May 2008 in Sofia Bulgaria / Vesselin Alexandrov [and others], editors