Clinical Audit -- methods. : The unofficial guide to medical research, audit and teaching / Ceen-Ming Tang, BA (Hons), MedSci, (Final year medical student, University of Oxford, UK), Zeshan Qureshi, BM, MSc, BSc (Hons) (Academic Clinical Fellow, Great Ormond Street, UK and Institute of Global Health, UCL, UK), Colin Fischbacher, MBChB, FFPH, FRCP (Ed) (Clinical Director for Information, NHS National Services, Scotland, Honorary Senior lecturer, University of Edinburgh, UK)
Clinical chemistry -- Technique -- Congresses. : Quantitative mass spectrometry in life sciences II : proceedings of the second international symposium held at the State University of Ghent, June 13-16, 1978 / editors, A. P. de Leenheer, R. R. Roncucci, C. van Peteghem
Laboratory tests demonstrating the presence of physiologically significant substances in the blood, urine, tissue, and body fluids with application to the diagnosis or therapy of disease
The specialty of ANALYTIC CHEMISTRY applied to assays of physiologically important substances found in blood, urine, tissues, and other biological fluids for the purpose of aiding the physician in making a diagnosis or following therapy
Clinical child psychology -- Case studies. : Intervention strategies employed by clinical psychologists are more effective than a good talk with a caring friend / Felicity Jane McFarlane
Undergraduate education programs for second- , third- , and fourth-year students in health sciences in which the students receive clinical training and experience in teaching hospitals or affiliated health centers
Here are entered works on the classification of hospital patients into groups on the basis of principal diagnosis and other criteria for reimbursement purposes
Health care services that are respectful of and responsive to the health beliefs, practices and cultural and linguistic needs of diverse patients. The provider and the patient each bring their individual learned patterns of language and culture to the health care experience which must be transcended to achieve equal access and quality health care