Coast changes -- Louisiana -- Psychological aspects : Losing ground : identity and land loss in coastal Louisiana / David M. Burley ; foreword by Sara Crosby ; afterword by T. Mayheart Dardar and Thomas Dardar
Coast changes -- Maldives : In the shadow of the seawall : coastal injustice and the dilemma of placekeeping / Summer Gray
Coast changes -- Mathematical models -- Congresses. : Estuarine and coastal modeling : proceedings of the tenth international conference, November 5-7, 2007, Newport, Rhode Island / sponsored by University of Rhode Island ; edited by Malcolm L. Spaulding
Coast changes -- Ontario, Lake (N.Y. and Ont.) : I have seen the change / filmed & directed by Matt LeMay ; executive producer, Scott Weichenthal ; written, narrated & produced by Matt LeMay
Coast changes -- Pacific Coast (U.S.) : Sea-level rise for the coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington : past, present, and future / Committee on Sea Level Rise in California, Oregon, and Washington, Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, Ocean Studies Board, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council
Coast changes -- Prevention : Ocean energy and coastal protection : a novel strategy for coastal management under climate change / Rafael J. Bergillos, Cristobal Rodriguez-Delgado, Gregorio Iglesias
Coast changes -- Social aspects. : Sea level rise and coastal infrastructure : prediction, risks, and solutions / edited by Bilal M. Ayyub, Michael S. Kearney
Coast changes -- Sweden -- Bohuslän : Elevated rock art : towards a maritime understanding of Bronze Age rock art in northern Bohuslän, Sweden / by Johan Ling
Coast changes -- Texas : The formation and future of the upper Texas coast : a geologist answers questions about sand, storms, and living by the sea / John B. Anderson
Coast changes -- United States -- Data processing. : Shoreline mapping and change analysis : technical considerations and management implications / edited by Mark R. Brynes, Mark Crowell, and Cindy Fowler
Coast defences Australia, Northern : Northern approaches : a report on the administration and management of civil coastal surveillance in northern Australia / Huge Hudson
Coast defences United Kingdom : Our naval reserves and coast volunteers : Suggestions for increasing our reserves of seamen without adding to the public charge. By Thomas Brassey
Coast defenses -- Australia, Northern. : Northern approaches : a report on the administration and management of civil coastal surveillance in northern Australia / Huge Hudson
Coast defenses -- Australia -- Sydney Harbour (N.S.W.) : Extracts from my diary : being an account of the preparations for, and successful accomplishment of, an attack on Sydney Harbour / by a Russian naval captain serving with the fleet. With notes and suggestions and a preface by a Colonist