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Title Something about the author. Volume 187 / Lisa Kumar, project editor
Published Detroit, Mich. : Gale, [2008]
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Description 1 online resource
Series Gale virtual reference library
Gale virtual reference library.
Contents Kenneth Addison -- Stephen Alter -- Katherine Ayres -- Paul Bajoria -- Matt Beam -- Delana Bettoli -- Barry Blitt -- Coe Booth -- Randy Cecil -- Bill Cochran -- Rowan Coleman -- Ying Chang Compestine -- Floyd Cooper -- Alan Coren (Obit. Notice) -- Ann Howard Creel -- Christopher Paul Curtis -- Karen Day -- Grace Dent -- Simone Elkeles -- Deborah Ellis -- Sam Enthoven -- Buket Erdogan -- Regis Faller -- Victoria Foyt -- Marla Frazee -- D.L. Garfinkle -- Dann Gershon -- Gina Gershon -- Carol Gorman -- Bob Graham -- Margaret Peterson Haddix -- Peter Hannan -- Janice N. Harrington -- Sue Heap -- Andrew Helfer -- Brett Helquist -- Deborah Lynn Jacobs -- Layne Johnson -- Kimberly K. Jones -- Christa Kempter -- Jeff Kinney -- Gerald Kruglik -- Josh Lacey -- Albert Lamb -- Neal Layton -- Ira Levin (Obit. Notice) -- Hazel Lincoln -- Pamela Lowell -- Tatjana Mai-Wyss -- Leonard S. Marcus -- Leslie Margolis -- Alan Marks -- Robert McGuire -- David Milgrim -- Taylor Morrison -- Jean-Claude Mourlevat -- Srividya Natarajan -- Sally Nemeth -- Vincent Nguyen -- Gretchen Olson -- Sara Pennypacker -- Tamora Pierce -- Mia Posada -- Giselle Potter -- Charlie Price -- Jeanie Franz Ransom -- Nigel Richardson -- Faith Ringgold -- Judith Rossell -- Robyn Schneider -- Kirk Scroggs -- Aaron Shepard -- Lemony Snicket -- Sue Stainton -- Lauren Tarshis -- Bill Thomson -- Dimitrea Tokunbo -- Ursula Wood Vaughan Williams (Obit. Notice) -- Ray Villareal -- Adrienne Maria Vrettos -- Joan C. Waites -- James Warhola -- Marleen Westera -- Thomas M. Yeahpau -- Lizabeth Zindel
Summary Series covers individuals ranging from established award winners to authors and illustrators who are just beginning their careers. Entries cover: personal life, career, writings and works in progress, adaptations, additional sources, and photographs
Notes "Facts and pictures about authors and illustrators of books for young people."
"ISSN 0276-816X."
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes Original: xi, 342 pages : illustrations, photographs ; 29 cm
Print version record
Subject Addison, Kenneth (Kenneth L.)
Alter, Stephen.
Ayres, Katherine.
Bajoria, Paul, 1964-
Beam, Matt.
Bettoli, Delana.
Blitt, Barry.
Booth, Coe
Cecil, Randy.
Cochran, Bill, 1966-
Coleman, Rowan.
Compestine, Ying Chang.
Cooper, Floyd.
Coren, Alan, 1938-2007.
Creel, Ann Howard.
Curtis, Christopher Paul.
Day, Karen.
Dent, Grace.
Elkeles, Simone.
Ellis, Deborah, 1960-
Enthoven, Sam
Erdogan, Buket.
Faller, Régis.
Foyt, Victoria.
Frazee, Marla.
Garfinkle, D. L. (Debra L.)
Gershon, Dann.
Gershon, Gina.
Gorman, Carol.
Graham, Bob, 1942-
Haddix, Margaret Peterson.
Hannan, Peter.
Harrington, Janice N.
Heap, Sue, 1954-
Helfer, Andrew.
Helquist, Brett.
Jacobs, Deborah Lynn.
Johnson, Layne.
Jones, Kimberly, 1957-
Kempter, Christa.
Kinney, Jeff.
Kruglik, Gerald.
Lacey, Josh.
Lamb, Albert.
Layton, Neal.
Levin, Ira
Lincoln, Hazel.
Lowell, Pamela.
Mai-Wyss, Tatjana, 1972-
Marcus, Leonard S., 1950-
Margolis, Leslie.
Marks, Alan, 1957-
McGuire, Robert, 1978-
Milgrim, David.
Morrison, Taylor.
Mourlevat, Jean-Claude.
Natarajan, Srividya.
Nemeth, Sally.
Nguyen, Vincent.
Olson, Gretchen.
Pennypacker, Sara, 1951-
Pierce, Tamora.
Posada, Mia
Potter, Giselle.
Price, Charlie.
Ransom, Jeanie Franz, 1957-
Richardson, Nigel.
Ringgold, Faith.
Rossell, Judith.
Schneider, Robyn.
Scroggs, Kirk.
Shepard, Aaron.
Snicket, Lemony.
Stainton, Sue
Tarshis, Lauren.
Thomson, Bill, 1963-
Tokunbo, Dimitrea.
Vaughan Williams, Ursula.
Villareal, Ray
Vrettos, Adrienne Maria.
Waites, Joan C.
Warhola, James.
Westera, Marleen.
Yeahpau, Thomas.
Zindel, Lizabeth.
Alter, Stephen.
Blitt, Barry.
Coren, Alan, 1938-2007.
Curtis, Christopher Paul.
Ellis, Deborah, 1960-
Frazee, Marla.
Gershon, Gina.
Gorman, Carol.
Graham, Bob, 1942-
Haddix, Margaret Peterson.
Hannan, Peter.
Kinney, Jeff.
Levin, Ira, 1929-2007.
Lincoln, Hazel.
Marcus, Leonard S., 1950-
Pierce, Tamora.
Potter, Giselle.
Richardson, Nigel.
Ringgold, Faith.
Shepard, Aaron.
Snicket, Lemony.
Thomson, Bill, 1963-
Vaughan Williams, Ursula.
Warhola, James.
Authors -- Biography.
Children's literature -- Bibliography.
Illustrators -- Biography
Children's literature.
Genre/Form Bibliography.
Form Electronic book
Author Kumar, Lisa.
ISBN 0787699365