Coffee drinking -- Congresses. : Caffeinated beverages : health benefits, physiological effects, and chemistry / Thomas H. Parliment, Chi-Tang Ho, Peter Schieberle, editors
Coffee -- Ecuador : Memorias del proyecto : estrategias educativas para el fortalecimiento de capacidades en productores y jóvenes que contribuyan a la cadena productiva del café en los municipios de Leiva, Policarpa y Los Andes del departamernto de Nariño con impacto international en la provincia del Carachi - Ecuador / Educandopaz, café de paz
Coffee -- El Salvador : PBS NewsHour. The race to develop coffee that can survive climate change / [produced by NewsHour Productions]
Coffee -- Genetics : Mutation breeding in coffee with special reference to leaf rust : protocols / Ivan L.W. Ingelbrecht, Maria do Céu Lavado da Silva, Joanna Jankowicz-Cieslak, editors
Coffee -- Germany -- History : Jews welcome coffee : tradition and innovation in early modern Germany / Robert Liberles
Coffee growers -- Ethiopia. : Black gold / Speak-it Films in association with Fulcrum Productions ; filmed, directed, and produced by Marc Francis & Nick Francis ; executive producer, Christopher Hird
Coffee -- Hawaii. : The Hawaiian Islands : their resources, agricultural, commercial and financial / issued under the auspices of the Department of Foreign Affairs, 1896
Coffee -- Health asepcts -- Congresses : Caffeinated beverages : health benefits, physiological effects, and chemistry / Thomas H. Parliment, Chi-Tang Ho, Peter Schieberle, editors
Here are entered works on public places that specialize in serving coffee and other refreshments and that sometimes provide informal entertainment or serve as a place where groups meet for a particular purpose. Works on small, inexpensive restaurants, independently operated or part of a hotel, where light refreshments or regular meals are served are entered under Coffee shops
coffee houses. : China and England : the Preindustrial Struggle for Justice in Word and Image