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Mark   Year Entries
Collectors and collecting Islamic art : Legacies of colonialism in museum collections : the (un)making of Indonesian Islam in the Netherlands / by Mirjam Shatanawi  2025 1
Collectors and collecting Islamic decorative arts History 19th century : Antique dealing and creative reuse in Cairo and Damascus 1850-1890 : intercultural engagements with architecture and craft in the age of travel and reform / by Mercedes Volait  2021 1
Collectors and collecting Japan Antiquities History 19th century : Antiquarians of Nineteenth-Century Japan : The Archaeology of Things in the Late Tokugawa and Early Meiji Periods / Hiroyuki Suzuki ; edited and translated by Maki Fukuoka    1
Collectors and collecting Jewish literature Europe History 20th century : Neglected witnesses : the fate of Jewish ceremonial objects during the Second World War and after / edited by Julie-Marthe Cohen ; with Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek ; authors, Eleonora Bergman [and nine others]  2011 1
Collectors and collecting -- Juvenile fiction.   5
Collectors and collecting -- Juvenile literature. : The Young collector's book / introduction by James Laver  1955 1
Collectors and collecting Karuk baskets : Basket weavers for the California curio trade : Elizabeth and Louise Hickox / Marvin Cohodas  1997 1
Collectors and collecting Karuk baskets California : Basket weavers for the California curio trade : Elizabeth and Louise Hickox / Marvin Cohodas  1997 1
Collectors and collecting Kitchen appliances : If Walls Could Talk: The Kitchen - Ep 4 Of 4 / Director: MacGregor, Hugo  2011 1
Collectors and collecting Knives Australia : Edgemaster : 50 Australian knife stories / by Keith Spencer ; edited and compiled by Joan Renton-Spencer  1999 1
Collectors and collecting Labor unions and art Australia : The CBUS collection of Australian art : advised by Dr Joseph Brown AO OBE / editors, Bryony Nainby, Zara Stanhope and Katie Furlonger  2009 1
Collectors and collecting Lace and lace making : The identification of lace / Pat Earnshaw  1980 1
Collectors and collecting -- Latin America : Collecting from the margins : material culture in a Latin American context / edited by María Mercedes Andrade  2016 1
Collectors and collecting Latin America Antiquities History : The man who invented Aztec crystal skulls : the adventures of Eugène Boban / Jane MacLaren Walsh and Brett Topping  2019 1
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts   12
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts Africa, Northwest : The trans-Saharan book trade : manuscript culture, Arabic literacy and intellectual history in Muslim Africa / edited by Graziano Krätli, Ghislaine Lydon  2011 1
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts England Fiction : Possession : a romance / A.S. Byatt  1991 1
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts, English History 18th century : Letters of Humfrey Wanley : palaeographer, Anglo-Saxonist, librarian, 1672-1726 : with an appendix of documents / edited by P.L. Heyworth  1989 1
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts, English (Middle) : Manuscript verse collectors and the politics of anti-courtly love poetry / Joshua Eckhardt  2009 1
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts Fiction   3
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts, French : Rousseau's ghost : a novel / Terence Ball  1998 1
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts, French Fiction : Rousseau's ghost : a novel / Terence Ball  1998 1
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts Germany Congresses : Manuscripts, politics and Oriental studies : life and collections of Johann Gottfried Wetzstein (1815-1905) in context / edited by Boris Liebrenz and Christoph Rauch  2019 1
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts Handbooks, manuals, etc : Donors and archives : a guidebook for successful programs / Aaron D. Purcell  2015 1
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts History : One-volume libraries : composite and multiple-text manuscripts / edited by Michael Friedrich and Cosima Schwarke  2016 1
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts, Indic Congresses : Aspects of manuscript culture in South India / edited by Saraju Rath  2012 1
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts Italy History : Two Renaissance book hunters : the letters of Poggius Bracciolini to Nicolaus de Niccolis / translated from the Latin and annotated by Phyllis Walter Goodhart Gordan  1974 1
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts, Medieval : Migrations : medieval manuscripts in New Zealand / edited by Stephanie Hollis and Alexandra Barratt  2007 1
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts, Medieval England History 18th century : Letters of Humfrey Wanley : palaeographer, Anglo-Saxonist, librarian, 1672-1726 : with an appendix of documents / edited by P.L. Heyworth  1989 1
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts, Medieval New Zealand : Migrations : medieval manuscripts in New Zealand / edited by Stephanie Hollis and Alexandra Barratt  2007 1
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts Middle East Congresses : Manuscripts, politics and Oriental studies : life and collections of Johann Gottfried Wetzstein (1815-1905) in context / edited by Boris Liebrenz and Christoph Rauch  2019 1
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts, New Zealand : Migrations : medieval manuscripts in New Zealand / edited by Stephanie Hollis and Alexandra Barratt  2007 1
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts (Papyri) : Inside Roman libraries : book collections and their management in antiquity / George W. Houston  2014 1
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts Periodicals   2
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts Russia (Federation) Saint Petersburg : Jewish-Muslim intellectual history entangled : textual materials from the Firkovitch Collection, Saint Petersburg. / edited by Camilla Adang, Bruno Chiesa, Omar Hamdan, Wilferd Madelung, Sabine Schmidtke and Jan Thiele  2020 1
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts Scotland : The treasure of Auchinleck : the story of the Boswell papers / By David Buchanan  1974 1
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts Scotland Auchinleck : The treasure of Auchinleck : the story of the Boswell papers / By David Buchanan  1974 1
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts, Scottish : The treasure of Auchinleck : the story of the Boswell papers / By David Buchanan  1974 1
Collectors and collecting Manuscripts, Scottish Scotland Auchinleck : The treasure of Auchinleck : the story of the Boswell papers / By David Buchanan  1974 1
Collectors and collecting Maori (New Zealand people) Antiquities : Museums, anthropology and imperial exchange / by Amiria J.M. Henare  2005 1
Collectors and collecting Maps   3

Collectors and collecting Marks -- See Collectors' marks

Collectors and collecting Material culture   2
Collectors and collecting Material culture Asia : Counterheritage : Critical Perspectives on Heritage Conservation in Asia  2014 1
Collectors and collecting Material culture Australia History 19th century Congresses : Hunting the collectors : Pacific collections in Australian museums, art galleries and archives / edited by Susan Cochrane and Max Quanchi  2011 1
Collectors and collecting Material culture Australia History 20th century Congresses : Hunting the collectors : Pacific collections in Australian museums, art galleries and archives / edited by Susan Cochrane and Max Quanchi  2011 1
Collectors and collecting Material culture India Andaman and Nicobar Islands   2
Collectors and collecting Material culture Indonesia : Displaying the colonial : the exhibitions of the 'Museum Nasional Indonesia' and the 'Tropenmuseum' / Sonja Mohr  2014 1
Collectors and collecting Material culture Netherlands : Displaying the colonial : the exhibitions of the 'Museum Nasional Indonesia' and the 'Tropenmuseum' / Sonja Mohr  2014 1
Collectors and collecting -- Melanesia -- History : Hunting the gatherers : ethnographic collectors, agents and agency in Melanesia, 1870s-1930s / edited by Michael O'Hanlon and Robert L. Welsch  2000 1
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