Colloids -- Encyclopedias : Encyclopedia of colloid and interface science / edited by Tharwat Tadros
Colloids -- Environmental aspects : Sol-gel methods for materials processing : focusing on materials for pollution control, water purification, and soil remediation / edited by Plinio Innocenzi, Yuriy L. Zub and Vadim G. Kessler
Colloids -- Environmental aspects -- Congresses : Sol-gel methods for materials processing : focusing on materials for pollution control, water purification, and soil remediation / edited by Plinio Innocenzi, Yuriy L. Zub and Vadim G. Kessler
Colloids -- Laboratory manuals. : Chemical modification of proteins / A.N. Glazer, R.J. DeLange and D.S. Sigman. Separation methods for nucleic acids and oligonucleotides / Hannah Gould and H.R. Matthews
--subdivision Congresses under subjects; and names of individual congresses
Colloquy of Poissy (1561 : Poissy, France) / : Georgius Cassander's De officio pii viri (1561) : critical edition with contemporary French and German translations / edited by Rob van de Schoor and Guillaume H.M. Posthumus Meyje