Communication Yoruba (African people) : Vigilant things : on thieves, Yoruba anti-aesthetics, and the strange fates of ordinary objects in Nigeria / David T. Doris
Communication -- Zambia : Zambia Media, Internet & Telecommunications Complete Profile : This All-Inclusive Profile Includes All Three of Our Communications Reports
Communication -- Zimbabwe : Zimbabwe Media, Internet & Telecommunications Complete Profile : This All-Inclusive Profile Includes All Three of Our Communications Reports
Communications Act of 1934 United States : Communications by wire and radio : a treatise on the law of wire and wireless communications in interstate and foreign commerce based on the Federal Communications Act of June 19, 1934, as amended, with a discussion of the rules of practice and procedure before the Federal Communications Commission and the courts, and suggested forms / by Tyler Berry, member of the legal staff of the Federal Communications Commission
Communication between animals involving the giving off by one individual of some chemical or physical signal, that, on being received by another, influences its behavior
Any of several ways in which living cells of an organism communicate with one another, whether by direct contact between cells or by means of chemical signals carried by neurotransmitter substances, hormones, and cyclic AMP
Communication, in the sense of cross-fertilization of ideas, involving two or more academic disciplines (such as the disciplines that comprise the cross-disciplinary field of bioethics, including the health and biological sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences and law). Also includes differences in patterns of language usage in different academic or medical disciplines
The transfer of information from experts in the medical and public health fields to patients and the public. The study and use of communication strategies to inform and influence individual and community decisions that enhance health
Here are entered works on the communications industries treated collectively. Works on human communication, including both the primary techniques of language, pictures, etc. and the secondary techniques, such as the press and radio, are entered under Communication. Works on the modern means of mass communication are entered under Mass media
Communication, in the sense of cross-fertilization of ideas, involving two or more academic disciplines (such as the disciplines that comprise the cross-disciplinary field of bioethics, including the health and biological sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences and law). Also includes differences in patterns of language usage in different academic or medical disciplines
Communications Media -- trends : Essential writing, communication and narrative skills for medical scientists before and after the COVID era / Gian Carlo Di Renzo, editor
Communications -- methods : Social ecology in the digital age : solving complex problems in a globalized world / Daniel Stokols (University of California, Irvine)