Computer integrated manufacturing systems -- Malaysia : Digitalization and development : ecosystem for promoting industrial revolution 4.0 technologies in Malaysia / edited by Rajah Rasiah, Wah Yun Low, and Nurliana Kamaruddin
Computer interfaces -- Laboratory manuals : Practical interfacing in the laboratory : using a PC for instrumentation, data analysis, and control / Stephen E. Derenzo
Computer interfaces -- Power supply : Power integrity for I/O interfaces : with signal integrity/power integrity co-design / Vishram S. Pandit, Woong Hwan Ryu, Myoung Joon Choi
Computer interfaces -- Software : PowerCLI cookbook : over 75 step-by-step recipes to put PowerCLI into action for efficient administration of your virtual environment / Philip Sellers
Computer Kalter Krieg USA : Calculating a natural world : scientists, engineers, and computers during the rise of U.S. cold war research / Atsushi Akera
Computer -- Kritik. : The seductive computer : why IT systems always fail / Derek Partridge
Here are entered works on facilities where numerical calculations are carried out, usually by computer. Works on the use of classroom activities and experiments in the study and teaching of mathematics are entered under Mathematics laboratories
Computer literacy -- Congresses. : Virtual libraries, virtual communities : abstracts, fulltext documents and PowerPoint presentations of papers and demos given at the IATUL Conference, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 3rd-7th July, 2000
Computer literacy -- Denmark : Danske elevers teknologiforst̄else og skærmbrug: Resultater fra ICILS-undersøgelsen 2023
Computer literacy -- Ecuador : Caracterización de canales digitales en la universidad politécnica estatal del Carchi / Jorge Miranda [and three others]
Computer literacy -- Europe : Digitální kompetence v transdisciplinárním nahlédnutí : mezi filosofií, sociologií, pedagogikou a informační vědou / Michal Černý