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Book Cover
Author Fischmann, Matthias

Title Conformal Symmetry Breaking Differential Operators on Differential Forms Fischmann, Matthias
Published American Mathematical Society 2021


Description 1 online resource
Contents Cover -- Title page -- Chapter 1. Introduction -- Chapter 2. Preliminaries -- 2.1. The -method -- 2.2. Notation and induced representations -- 2.3. A branching problem -- Chapter 3. Singular vectors -- 3.1. The \gol′-equivariance -- 3.2. Families of singular vectors of the first type -- 3.3. Families of singular vectors of the second type -- 3.4. Singular vectors of the third type -- 3.5. Singular vectors of the fourth type -- 3.6. Middle degree cases -- Chapter 4. Conformal symmetry breaking differential operators on differential forms -- 4.1. Families of the first type
4.2. Families of the second type -- 4.3. Hodge conjugation -- 4.4. Operators of the third type -- 4.5. Operators of the fourth type -- 4.6. Operators on middle degree forms -- 4.7. Proof of Theorem 3 -- 4.8. Examples -- Chapter 5. Geometric formulas for conformal symmetry breaking operators -- 5.1. Preparations -- 5.2. Even-order families of the first and second type -- 5.3. Odd-order families of the first and second type -- 5.4. Operators of the third and fourth type -- Chapter 6. Factorization identities for conformal symmetry breaking operators
6.1. Branson-Gover, gauge companion and -curvature operators -- 6.2. Main factorizations -- 6.3. Supplementary factorizations -- 6.4. Applications -- Appendix: Gegenbauer and Jacobi polynomials -- Bibliography -- Back Cover
Subject Differential operators
Conformal geometry
Symmetry (Mathematics)
Topological groups, Lie groups {For transformation groups, see 54H15, 57Sxx, 58-XX. For abstract harmonic analysis, see 43-XX} -- Lie groups {For the topology of Lie groups and homogeneous spaces, see.
Partial differential equations -- Elliptic equations and systems [See also 58J10, 58J20] -- Higher-order elliptic equations [See also 31A30, 31B30].
Differential geometry {For differential topology, see 57Rxx. For foundational questions of differentiable manifolds, see 58Axx} -- Classical differential geometry -- Conformal differential geometry.
Special functions (33-XX deals with the properties of functions as functions) {For orthogonal functions, see 42Cxx; for aspects of combinatorics see 05Axx; for number-theoretic aspects see 11-XX; for.
Form Electronic book
ISBN 9781470463397