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Book Cover
Author Fefferman, Charles

Title The Ambient Metric (AM-178)
Published Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2011


Description 1 online resource (124 pages)
Contents Cover; Title; Copyright; Contents; Chapter 1. Introduction; Chapter 2. Ambient Metrics; Chapter 3. Formal Theory; Chapter 4. Poincaré Metrics; Chapter 5. Self-dual Poincaré Metrics; Chapter 6. Conformal Curvature Tensors; Chapter 7. Conformally Flat and Conformally Einstein Spaces; Chapter 8. Jet Isomorphism; Chapter 9. Scalar Invariants; Bibliography; Index
Summary This book develops and applies a theory of the ambient metric in conformal geometry. This is a Lorentz metric in n+2 dimensions that encodes a conformal class of metrics in n dimensions. The ambient metric has an alternate incarnation as the Poincaré metric, a metric in n+1 dimensions having the conformal manifold as its conformal infinity. In this realization, the construction has played a central role in the AdS/CFT correspondence in physics. The existence and uniqueness of the ambient metric at the formal power series level is treated in detail. This includes the derivation of the ambient o
Notes Print version record
Subject Conformal geometry.
Conformal invariants.
Mathematics -- Geometry -- Analytic
Metric spaces.
Conformal geometry.
Conformal invariants.
Metric spaces.
Form Electronic book
Author Graham, C. Robin
ISBN 9781400840588