Constables -- Early works to 1800 : The dueties of constables, borsholders, tythingmen, and such other lowe and lay ministers of the peace : whereunto be adioyned, the seuerall offices of church ministers and churchwardens, and ouerseers for the poore, surueighours of the highwaies, and distributors of the prouision against noysome fowle and vermine / first collected by William Lambard of Lincolnes Inne gent. 1582, and now enlarged by him in the yeare 1599
Constables -- Fees -- New Jersey : Fees in criminal cases of justices of the peace and constables in New Jersey : what they are, and how and when payable out of the public treasury : a history of the legislation on the subject / by Wm. Nelson
Constables -- Iraq : The Iraq federal police : U.S. police building under fire / Robert M. Perito
Constables -- Kentucky : The general instructor, or The office, duty, and authority of justices of the peace, sheriffs, coroners and constables, in the state of Kentucky : with precedents suited to every case that can possibly arise in either of those offices under the laws now in force, with references to the laws out of which they do arise ; the whole alphabetically digested under the several titles, with an index for the ready finding any matter sought / by John Bradford
Constables -- Massachusetts : The Civil officer, or, The whole duty of sheriffs, coroners, constables and collectors of taxes
Constables -- New England : Powers and duties of sheriffs, constables, tax collectors and other officers in the New England states : with forms and precedents / by Loranus E. Hitchcock
Constables -- New Jersey : A treatise on the office and duty of a justice of the peace, sheriff, coroner, constable, and of executors, administrators, and guardians : in which are particularly laid down, the rules for conducting an action in the Court for the Trial of Small Causes : with approved forms / by James Ewing
Constables -- Ontario : The provincial justice, or, Magistrate's manual : being a complete digest of the criminal law of Canada, and a compendious and general view of the provincial law of Upper Canada : with practical forms, for the use of the magistracy / by W.C. Keele, Esq., attorney-at-law
Constables -- Pennsylvania -- Cases : George Corson, plaintiff in error, (who was defendant below) vs. Samuel Hunt and Isaac Abrahams, defendants in error, (who were plaintiffs below) : S.C., M. 48, 82 (Com. Pleas, J. 47, 360) : counter statement of defendants in error
Constables -- Virginia : A guide to magistrates : with practical forms for the discharge of their duties out of court : to which are added, precedents for the use of prosecutors, sheriffs, coroners, constables, escheators, clerks, &c. : adapted to the new Code of Virginia / by Joseph Mayo