Constipation in children -- Treatment : Fecal incontinence and constipation in children : case studies / edited by Onnalisa Nash, Julie M. Choueiki, Marc A. Levitt
Constipation -- Nursing. : Caring for the person with faecal incontinence : a compassionate approach to management / by Karen Cavarra, Andrea Prentice, Cynthea Wellings
Constipation -- Prevention : How the Body Ages. Part 3, Gastrointestinal, Genitourinary, and Integumentary Systems. Gastrointestinal / [produced by Medcom, Inc.]
Constitución (1812) Spain In literature : Cádiz 1812 : origen del constitucionalismo español / Luis Palacios Bañuelos, Ignacio Ruiz Rodríguez (Directores) ; Fernando Bermejo Batanero ... [and 15 others]
Constitución (1812) Spain Influence : The rise of constitutional government in the Iberian Atlantic world : the impact of the Cádiz constitution of 1812 / edited by Scott Eastman, Natalia Sobrevilla Perea
Constitución (1999) Venezuela : Un Proceso Constituyente Democrático en Venezuela La Génesis de la Constitución De 1999
Constitución federal (1824) Mexico : La Constitución de 1824 : la consolidación de un pacto mínimo / Fausta Gantús, Florencia Gutiérrez, Alicia Hernández Chávez, María del Carmen León
Constitución política (1980) Chile : Educación y nueva constitución : repensar lo educativo / Marcela Romero Jeldres y Solange Tenorio Eitel (edit.-comp.) ; Alejandra Maldonado Miranda [and many others]
Constitución -- Reforma : Eternity clauses in democratic constitutionalism / Silvia Suteu (Lecturer in Public Law, University College London Faculty of Laws)
Constituent power -- Germany -- History : Popular sovereignty and the crisis of German constitutional law : the theory & practice of Weimar constitutionalism / Peter C. Caldwell
Here are entered works on the methods by which constituents express their opinions to their representatives in Congress, and on the methods by which members of Congress communicate with their constituents