Copyright -- Soviet Union. : Copyright in international relations : international protection of literary and scientific works / by M.M. Boguslavsky ; translated from the Russian by N. Poulet ; edited by David Catterns
Copyright -- Spain : La (relativa) constitucionalidad de los derechos de autor en España : antecedentes y estado de la cuestión / José Domingo Portero Lameiro
Copyright -- Textile fabrics : The copyright thing doesn't work here : Adinkra and Kente cloth and intellectual property in Ghana / Boatema Boateng
Copyright -- Textile fabrics -- Ghana : The copyright thing doesn't work here : Adinkra and Kente cloth and intellectual property in Ghana / Boatema Boateng
It is a form of protection provided by law. In the United States this protection is granted to authors of original works of authorship, including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works. This protection is available to both published and unpublished works. (from Circular of the United States Copyright Office, 6/30/2008)