Copyright -- Israel : Piracy in Qumran : the battle over the scrolls of the pre-Christ era / Raphael Israeli
Copyright -- Italy : Copyright collecting societies e regole di concorrenza : Un'indagine comparatistica
Copyright (Jewish law) : From Maimonides to Microsoft : the Jewish law of copyright since the birth of print / Neil Weinstock Netanel and David Nimmer
Copyright (Jewish law) -- History : From Maimonides to Microsoft : the Jewish law of copyright since the birth of print / Neil Weinstock Netanel and David Nimmer
Copyright licenses -- Congresses : Remuneration for the use of works : exclusivity vs. other approaches = La rémunération de l'utilisation des œuvres : exclusivité c. autre approches / Silke von Lewinski (ed./éd.)
Copyright licenses -- Germany : Gebietsübergreifende Vergabe von Online-Rechten an Musikwerken : Probleme einer effizienten Lizenzierungspraxis unter Geltung des VGG
Copyright licenses -- Scandinavia : Exklusivität und Kollektivierung : Das skandinavische Modell der Erweiterten Kollektiven Lizenz (Extended Collective Licensing)
Copyright -- Music -- Australia -- Anecdotes. : When the writ hits the fan : a 30 year journey through Australia's contemporary music industry with a lawyer who was there / Phil Dwyer ; with Phil Tripp