Corporations -- Developing countries -- Growth : Competition policies and consumer welfare : corporate strategies and consumer prices in developing countries / edited by Lahcen Achy and Susan Joekes
Corporations -- Econometric models : Determinants of corporate investment in China : evidence from cross-country firm level data / Nan Geng and Papa N'Diaye
Corporations -- Europe -- Dictionaries -- Polyglot. : Terminologie de la société anonyme européenne = Terminologia della società per azioni europea = Terminology of the European Company = Terminologie der Europäischen Aktiengesellschaft / Parlement Européen. Direction de la traduction et de la terminologie. Bureau de terminologie
Corporations -- Europe, Eastern. : International business strategy in emerging country markets : the institutional network approach / Hans Jansson
Corporations -- Europe, Eastern -- Finance : Contemporary issues in business and financial management in Eastern Europe / edited by Simon Grima, Eleftherios Thalassinos
Corporations, European. : The Americanisation of European business : the Marshall Plan and the transfer of US management models / edited by Matthias Kipping & Ove Bjarnar
Corporations European Union countries -- See Also the narrower term Societas Europeas
Here are entered works on a form of European corporation established in 2001 to facilitate the merger of companies in various states of the European Union
Corporations -- European Union countries -- Accounting : Corporate environmental responsiblity, accounting and corporate finance in the EU : a quantitative analysis approach / Panagiotis Dimitropoulos, Konstantinos Koronios