Counseling -- Australia -- Sydney (N.S.W.) : Under different stars : thinking about counselling and health services for culturally and linguistically diverse women / a compilation of work done by Gina Gibney ... [and others] ; written by Suzanne Alder ; translated by Gloria Tejos and Monica Soto
Counseling -- Australia -- Victoria. : Adolescent counselling facilities in Victoria : forum organized by the Victorian Council of Social Service
Counseling Children of divorced parents : Picking up the pieces : helping young people cope with divorce and stepfamilies / Kitty Vivekananda & Susan Nicholson
Counseling de groupe. : Solution-focused treatment of domestic violence offenders : accountability for change / by Mo Yee Lee, John Sebold, Adriana Uken
Here are entered works on the counseling of persons seeking or undergoing a divorce. Works on the counseling of divorced persons concerning their finances, housing, custody, and raising of children, etc., are entered under Divorced people--Counseling of. Works on the use of mediation to reach a divorce settlement are entered under Divorce mediation