Here are entered works on the organization of official bodies concerned with administrative adjudication, including administrative courts of the continental European type as well as, in English-speaking countries, those quasi-judicial agencies (within departments or independent, such as boards, commissions, etc.) which perform administrative judicial functions --names of individual administrative courts and names of administrative courts with special jurisdiction
Courts -- Afghanistan : Afghanistan : judicial reform and transitional justice / International Crisis Group
Courts -- Africa : Courts and power in Latin America and Africa / Siri Gloppen [and four others]
Courts -- Africa, Sub-Saharan : Federalism and the courts in Africa : design and impact in comparative perspective / edited by Yonatan T. Fessha and Karl Kössler
Courts and courtiers England Early works to 1800 : Gualteri Mapes De nugis curialium distinctiones quinque / edited from the unique manuscript in the Bodleian library at Oxford by Thomas Wright
Courts and courtiers -- History -- Congresses : The body of the queen : gender and rule in the courtly world, 1500-2000 / edited by Regina Schulte ; with the assistance of Pernille Arenfeldt, Martin Kohlrausch and Xenia von Tippelskirch
Courts and courtiers in art. : Everything is happening : journey into a painting / Michael Jacobs ; with a foreword, introduction and coda by Ed Vulliamy
Courts and courtiers Islamic Empire : In the presence of power : court and performance in the pre-modern Middle East / edited by Maurice A. Pomerantz and Evelyn Birge Vitz
Courts and courtiers Italy : Giorgio Vasari : architect and courtier / Leon Satkowski ; with photographs by Ralph Lieberman