Criminology -- Africa : Contemporary issues in criminology in Africa / Elijah Tukwariba Yin (editor), University of Cape Coast, Ghana, Nelson F. Kofie (editor), Northern Virginia Community College, USA
Criminology -- Arizona -- Tombstone. : Days that shook the world Series 2, Episode10 ; Series 3, Episodes 1-2, Affairs of the crown; The cost of betrayal; Rule of the gun
Criminology -- Australia -- Bibliography. : Criminological materials in the parliamentary papers of Australia & New Zealand from 1901 : a check and finding list / by Stephen White & Audrey Edwards
Criminology -- Australia -- Hobart (Tas.) : Aftermath, the Tasman Bridge collapse : criminological and sociological observations / by Janet Whelan, Elizabeth Seaton, Eric Cunningham Dax ; on behalf of E.V. Knowles and the Research Committee
Criminology -- Australia -- New South Wales -- Sydney : Scandals of Sydney town : the Mount Rennie case; the case of Ernest Buttner; the Dean case; the Coningham conspiracy; the land scandals; the careers of W. P. Crick and R. D. Meagher / by Frank Clune ; illustrated by Virgil Reilly
Criminology -- Australia -- Sydney (N.S.W.) : Scandals of Sydney town : the Mount Rennie case; the case of Ernest Buttner; the Dean case; the Coningham conspiracy; the land scandals; the careers of W. P. Crick and R. D. Meagher / by Frank Clune ; illustrated by Virgil Reilly
Criminology -- Comparative method : Criminología comparada : estudios de caso sobre delincuencia, control social y moralidad / Christopher Birkbeck ; prólogo por Alfonso Serrano Maíllo
Criminology -- Computer network resources : Artificial crime analysis systems : using computer simulations and geographic information systems / Lin Liu, John Eck [editors]