Crop improvement -- Technological innovations : Advances in nano-fertilizers and nano-pesticides in agriculture : a smart delivery system for crop improvement / edited by Sudisha Jogaiah, Harikesh Bahadur Singh, Leonardo Fernandes Fraceto, Renata De Lima
Crop insurance -- Bibliography : Crop and livestock insurance, 1941-1948 : a selected list of references / compiled by Anne D. Taylor and Cora L. Feldkamp
Crop losses -- Congresses. : Proceedings of public meeting to discuss "Long-billed Corella Management and Crop Damage" : held at Naracoorte, South Australia / edited by L.W. Best, R. Sinclair, P.J. Alexander
Crop losses -- Korea (South) : Shorts RAI Film Festival 2021. The people next to coal power plant / a film by Hyewon Choi
Crop losses -- Mozambique : Post-harvest loss in Mozambique : estimating maize loss in Manica and Zambezia provinces : technical note / by Luciana Delgado, David Laborde and Valeria Piñero
Crop management. : Water dynamics in plant production / Wilfried Ehlers and Michael Goss
Here are entered works on plants grown for commercial use --headings beginning with the word Crop; and individual crops and groups of crops, e.g. Corn; Food crops
--subdivision Protection under individual plants and groups of plants, e.g. Corn--Protection
Crop protection. : Precision crop protection - the challenge and use of heterogeneity / Erich-Christian Oerke, Roland Gerhards, Gunter Menz, Richard A. Sikora, editors
Crop residues as feed. : The Utilisation of fibrous agricultural residues / edited by G.R. Pearce
Crop residues as feed -- Congresses. : The utilization of fibrous agricultural residues as animal feeds : proceedings of the fourth annual workshop of the Australian-Asian Fibrous Agricultural Residues Research Network held in Khon Kaen, Thailand, 10-14 April 1984 / edited by P. T. Doyle
Crop residues -- Utilization -- Southeast Asia -- Congresses. : The utilization of fibrous agricultural residues as animal feeds : proceedings of the fourth annual workshop of the Australian-Asian Fibrous Agricultural Residues Research Network held in Khon Kaen, Thailand, 10-14 April 1984 / edited by P. T. Doyle
Crop rotation -- Asia : Integrated Soil, Water and Nutrient Management for Sustainable Rice-Wheat Cropping Systems in Asia
Crop rotation -- Australia. : Participation in IEA bioenergy Short Rotation Crops for Bioenergy Systems task / by Stephen Schuck
Crop rotation -- Congresses : Wheat production in stressed environments : proceedings of the 7th International Wheat Conference, 27 November - 2 December 2005, Mar del Plata, Argentina / edited by H.T. Buck, J.E. Nisi, and N. Salomón
Here are entered works on plants grown for commercial use --headings beginning with the word Crop; and individual crops and groups of crops, e.g. Corn; Food crops