Croton Dam Dam failures New York (State) : The mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, ad'sm., James Bailey, senior ; John Bailey and Abraham Bailey : case
Crouch, Stanley : Tony Brown's journal. Hanging judge / directed by Bob Morris
Crouch, Tim, 1964- -- Criticism and interpretation : Modern British playwriting. 2000-2009 : voices, documents, new interpretations / edited by Dan Rebellato ; series editors, Richard Boon and Philip Roberts
Crouse, Russel, 1893-1966 -- Film adaptations : Producers' showcase. Season 3, episode 9, The great Sebastians / directed by Franklin Schnaffer ; adapted for television from their own play by Howard Lindsay, Russel Crouse
Crouse, Russel, 1893-1966. State of the union. : Drama for students. Volume 19 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas / Anne Marie Hacht, project editor ; foreword by Carole L. Hamilton
Crouzet, Denis, 1953- -- Interviews : A passion for history / Natalie Zemon Davis ; conversations with Denis Crouzet ; edited by Michael Wolfe ; translated by Natalie Zemon Davis and Michael Wolfe
Common name for the largest birds in the order PASSERIFORMES, family Corvidae. These omnivorous black birds comprise most of the species in the genus Corvus, along with ravens and jackdaws (which are often also referred to as crows)
Crow. : Radical hope : ethics in the face of cultural devastation / Jonathan Lear
Crow astronomy. : The stars we know : Crow Indian astronomy and lifeways / Timothy P. McCleary
Crow, Bob, 1961-2014. : Bob Crow: socialist, leader, fighter : a political biography / Gregor Gall
Crow, Carl, 1883-1945 : Carl Crow, a tough old China hand : the life, times and adventures of an American in Shanghai / Paul French