Cryptorchism. : Descent of the testis / John M. Hutson, Jørgen M. Thorup, Spencer W. Beasley
Cryptorchism -- Surgery. : Springer Nature medical video. Endoscopic totally extraperitoneal (TEP) exploration for undescended testes, orchidopexy and hernia repair (EHS, Left PL1) / produced by Springer Nature
Cryptosporidium parvum. : Microbial foodborne diseases : mechanisms of pathogenesis and toxin synthesis / edited by Jeffrey W. Cary, John E. Linz, Deepak Bhatnagar
Cryptozoology -- Comic books, strips, etc : Lumberjanes. Issue 37 / written by Shannon Watters and Kat Leyh ; illustrated by Ayme Sotuyo ; colors by Maarta Laiho ; letters by Aubrey Aiese
Cryptozoology -- United States : A guide to sky monsters : Thunderbirds, the Jersey Devil, Mothman, and other flying cryptids / T. S. Mart and Mel Cabre ; illustrations by Mel Cabre
Here are entered works on fortune-telling by means of a trance induced by gazing at a crystal. Works on the use of crystals to develop psychic abilities are entered under Crystals--Psychic aspects
Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. / : Sunday morning. Alice's wonderland / produced by Douglas W. Smith
Crystal Cathedral (Garden Grove, Calif.) / : The glass church : Robert H. Schuller, the Crystal Cathedral, and the strain of megachurch ministry / Mark T. Mulder and Gerardo Marti