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Customary law courts -- Papua New Guinea -- National Capital District : Substantial justice : an anthropology of village courts in Papua New Guinea / Michael Goddard  2009 1
Customary law courts -- Wales -- History : Informal justice in England and Wales, 1760-1914 : the courts of popular opinion / Stephen Banks  2014 1
Customary law -- Economic aspects. : Customary law and economics / edited by Lisa Bernstein and Francesco Parisi  2014 1
Customary law -- Ecuador : The Challenge of Legal Pluralism : Local dispute settlement and the Indian-state relationship in Ecuador  2016 1
Customary law -- Egypt.   3
Customary law -- Egypt -- Cairo -- History   2
Customary law -- England. : To put asunder : the laws of matrimonial strife : an introduction to the seminal Anglo-American literature and laws of domestic relations up to the year 1900, with supporting bibliography and comments / Lawrence H. Stotter  2011 1
Customary law-England-History-To 1500-Historiography : Law and the Medieval Village Community Reinvigorating Historical Jurisprudence  2023 1
Customary law -- England -- London   5
Customary law -- England -- London -- Early works to 1800 : Privilegia Londini, or, The rights, liberties, privileges, laws, and customs, of the City of London : wherein are contained I. The several charters granted to the said city, from K. William I. to the present times. II. The magistrates and officers thereof, with their respective creations, elections, rights, duties and authorities. III. The laws and customs of the city, as the same relate either to the persons or estates of the citizens ... IV. The nature, jurisdiction, practice, and proceedings of the several courts thereof, with tables of fees relating thereto. V. The several statutes concerning the said city, and citizens, alphabetically digested / by W. Bohun ..  1723 1
Customary law -- England -- London -- History : Light, privacy, and neighbors : windows in late medieval and early modern London / Janet S. Loengard  2025 1
Customary law -- Europe : Law and custom in Korea : comparative legal history / Marie Seong-Hak Kim  2012 1
Customary law -- Europe -- History   4
Customary law -- Europe -- History -- 16th century : Regional variations in matrimonial law and custom in Europe, 1150-1600 / edited by Mia Korpiola  2011 1
Customary law -- Europe -- History -- To 1500 : Regional variations in matrimonial law and custom in Europe, 1150-1600 / edited by Mia Korpiola  2011 1
Customary law -- European Union countries.   2
Customary law -- France   3
Customary law -- France -- Early works to 1800 : Anciennes loix des françois : conservées dans les coutumes angloises, recueillies par Littleton ; avec des observations historiques & critiques, où l'on fait voir que les coutumes & les usages suivis anciennement en Normandie, sont les mêmes que ceux qui étoient en vigueur dans toute la France sous les deux premieres races de nos rois : ouvrage également utile pour l'étude de notre ancienne histoire & pour l'intelligence du droit coutumier de chaque province / par M. Hoüard, avocat en Parlement, correspondant de l'Académie des Inscriptions & Belles-Lettres  1779 1
Customary law -- France -- History   2
Customary law -- France, Northern -- History -- To 1500 : Vernacular law : writing and the reinvention of customary law in Medieval France / Ada Maria Kuskowski (University of Pennsylvania)  2022 1
Customary law -- Gabon -- Libreville -- History : Conjugal Rights : Marriage, Sexuality, and Urban Life in Colonial Libreville, Gabon  2014 1
Customary law -- Ghana. : Fanti customary laws : a brief introduction to the principles of the native laws and customs of the Fanti and Akan sections of the Gold Coast with a selection of cases thereon decided in the law courts / by John Mensah Sarbah  1897 1
Customary law -- Ghana -- History : The transformation of property rights in the Gold Coast : an empirical analysis applying rational choice theory / Kathryn Firmin-Sellers  1996 1
Customary law -- Great Britain.   8
Customary law -- Great Britain -- Early works to 1800 : Anciennes loix des françois : conservées dans les coutumes angloises, recueillies par Littleton ; avec des observations historiques & critiques, où l'on fait voir que les coutumes & les usages suivis anciennement en Normandie, sont les mêmes que ceux qui étoient en vigueur dans toute la France sous les deux premieres races de nos rois : ouvrage également utile pour l'étude de notre ancienne histoire & pour l'intelligence du droit coutumier de chaque province / par M. Hoüard, avocat en Parlement, correspondant de l'Académie des Inscriptions & Belles-Lettres  1779 1
Customary law -- Hawaii : Colonizing Hawai'i : the cultural power of law / Sally Engle Merry  2000 1
Customary law -- History   9
Customary law -- Hungary : Customary law in Hungary : courts, texts, and the tripartitum / Martyn Rady  2015 1
Customary law -- Iceland : Bloodtaking and peacemaking : feud, law, and society in Saga Iceland / William Ian Miller  1990 1
Customary law -- India.   5
Customary law -- India -- Bengal -- History -- 18th century : Appropriation and invention of tradition : the East India Company and Hindu law in early colonial Bengal / Nandini Bhattacharyya-Panda  2008 1
Customary law -- India -- Punjab : A digest of civil law for the Punjab : chiefly based on the customary law as at present judicially ascertained / by W.H. Rattigan, LL. D. Gottengen, and Honorary LL. D. of the Punjab University, author of "De Jure personarum"; "Science of jurisprudence"; "Private international law"; and translator of the second volume of Savigny's System  1896 1
Customary law -- India -- Punjab -- Digests : A digest of civil law for the Punjab : chiefly based on the customary law as at present judicially ascertained / by W. H. Rattigan  1901 1

Customary law Indonesia -- See Also the narrower term Adat law Indonesia

Customary law -- Indonesia. : Religious minorities, Islam, and the law : international human rights and Islamic law in Indonesia / Al Khanif  2021 1
Customary law -- Indonesia -- Sulawesi Selatan : Gender relations in an Indonesian society : Bugis practices of sexuality and marriage / by Nurul Ilmi Idrus  2016 1
  Customary law, International -- 2 Related Subjects   2
Customary law, International   42
Customary law, International -- Africa : Boundaries and secession in Africa and international law : challenging uti possidetis / Dirdeiry M. Ahmed  2015 1
Customary law, International -- Congresses   2
Customary law, International -- European Union countries : The European Union and customary international law / edited by Fernando Lusa Bordin, Andreas Th. Müller, Francisco Pascual-Vives  2022 1
Customary law, International -- Interpretation and construction   3

Customary law (Islamic law) -- See Also the narrower term Adat law

Here are entered works on the traditional, and often unwritten codes of local customs or practices in Islamic regions
Customary law (Islamic law)   3
Customary law (Islamic law) -- History : Law, Custom, and Statute in the Muslim World : Studies in Honor of Aharon Layish / edited by Ron Shaham  2007 1
Customary law (Islamic law) -- Jordan : Legal documents from the Judean desert : the impact of the Sharīʻa on Bedouin customary law / the texts in Arabic, English translation and annotation, glossary of Islamic and tribal customary legal terms and maxims by Aharon Layish ; with the assistance of Mūsá Shawāribah and including his Linguistic essay  2011 1
Customary law (Islamic law) -- Palestine : Legal documents from the Judean desert : the impact of the Sharīʻa on Bedouin customary law / the texts in Arabic, English translation and annotation, glossary of Islamic and tribal customary legal terms and maxims by Aharon Layish ; with the assistance of Mūsá Shawāribah and including his Linguistic essay  2011 1
Customary law (Islamic law) -- Syria -- Aleppo.   2
Customary law -- Italy : L'eredita di uberto scarpelli    1
Customary law -- Japan. : Law and justice in Tokugawa Japan : being materials for the history of Japanese law and justice under the Tokugawa Shogunate 1603-1867 / edited by John Henry Wigmore  1943 1
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