DNA -- Mathematical models : Semi-Markov chains and hidden semi-Markov models toward applications : their use in reliability and DNA analysis / Vlad Stefan Barbu and Nikolaos Limnios
Hybridization of a nucleic acid sample to a very large set of OLIGONUCLEOTIDE PROBES, which have been attached individually in columns and rows to a solid support, to determine a BASE SEQUENCE, or to detect variations in a gene sequence, GENE EXPRESSION, or for GENE MAPPING
Hybridization of a nucleic acid sample to a very large set of OLIGONUCLEOTIDE PROBES, which have been attached individually in columns and rows to a solid support, to determine a BASE SEQUENCE, or to detect variations in a gene sequence, GENE EXPRESSION, or for GENE MAPPING
DNA microarrays -- Statistical methods -- Congresses : Validation of toxicogenomic technologies : a workshop summary / Committee on Validation of Toxicogenomic Technologies: a Focus on Chemical Classification Strategies ; Committee on Emerging Issues and Data on Environmental Contaminants, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Board on Life Studies, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies
Hybridization of a nucleic acid sample to a very large set of OLIGONUCLEOTIDE PROBES, which have been attached individually in columns and rows to a solid support, to determine a BASE SEQUENCE, or to detect variations in a gene sequence, GENE EXPRESSION, or for GENE MAPPING
Hybridization of a nucleic acid sample to a very large set of OLIGONUCLEOTIDE PROBES, which have been attached individually in columns and rows to a solid support, to determine a BASE SEQUENCE, or to detect variations in a gene sequence, GENE EXPRESSION, or for GENE MAPPING
Genes that are located on the MITOCHONDRIAL DNA. Mitochondrial inheritance is often referred to as maternal inheritance but should be differentiated from maternal inheritance that is transmitted chromosomally
DNA, Mitochondrial -- physiology : Understanding the process of aging : the roles of mitochondria, free radicals, and antioxidants / edited by Enrique Cadenas, Lester Packer
DNA, Mitochrondrial : Mitochondrial biogenesis and genetics. Part B / edited by Giuseppe M. Attardi, Anne Chomyn
DNA Modification Methylases : DNA methyltransferases : role and function / Albert Jeltsch, Renata Z. Jurkowska, editors
Enzymes that are part of the restriction-modification systems. They are responsible for producing a species-characteristic methylation pattern, on either adenine or cytosine residues, in a specific short base sequence in the host cell's own DNA. This methylated sequence will occur many times in the host-cell DNA and remain intact for the lifetime of the cell. Any DNA from another species which gains entry into a living cell and lacks the characteristic methylation pattern will be recognized by the restriction endonucleases of similar specificity and destroyed by cleavage. Most have been studied in bacterial systems, but a few have been found in eukaryotic organisms