Dakota Indians -- Poetry. : Shedding skins : four Sioux poets / Trevino L. Brings Plenty, Steve Pacheco, Joel Waters, Luke Warm Water ; edited by Adrian C. Louis
Dakota Indians -- Relocation : Which chosen people? : manifest destiny meets the Sioux as seen by Frank Fiske, frontier photographer / Robert V. Dodge
Dakota Indians -- Social conditions : The scalping of the great Sioux nation : a review of my life on the Rosebud and Pine Ridge reservations / Philip E. Davis
Dakota Indians -- Wars, 1862-1865 -- Personal narratives : A thrilling narrative of Indian captivity : dispatches from the Dakota War / Mary Butler Renville ; edited by Carrie Reber Zeman and Kathryn Zabelle Derounian-Stodola ; foreword by Gwen N. Westerman
Dakota (Indiens) -- Guerres, 1876. : Custer's last campaign : Mitch Boyer and the Little Bighorn reconstructed / John S. Gray ; foreword by Robert M. Utley
Dakota Territory Chattel mortgages : The law of chattel mortgages in Minnesota and Dakota : being the statutes of the state of Minnesota and territory of Dakota, as amended, and the decisions of the courts of last resort applicable thereto : with forms, etc. / by G.D. Emory
Dakota Territory Inheritance and succession : The probate law and practice of Iowa and Dakota : as administered in the courts of probate under the statutes, and decisions of the Supreme Courts of that State and territory, with references to the judicial decisions of California, where a system prevails similar to that in Dakota : also to the decisions of other states where the same are applicable, and to many late decisions upon wills and their construction : with numerous forms prepared under the Iowa and Dakota statutes / by M.W. Herrick and J.W. Doxsee, of the Jones County, Iowa, bar
Dakota Territory Probate law and practice : The probate law and practice of Iowa and Dakota : as administered in the courts of probate under the statutes, and decisions of the Supreme Courts of that State and territory, with references to the judicial decisions of California, where a system prevails similar to that in Dakota : also to the decisions of other states where the same are applicable, and to many late decisions upon wills and their construction : with numerous forms prepared under the Iowa and Dakota statutes / by M.W. Herrick and J.W. Doxsee, of the Jones County, Iowa, bar