Data processing service centers -- South Africa -- Automation -- Case studies : Robotics at Dimension Data : friend or foe of the human in process automation? / authored by Michelle Karim (Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa), Christina Swart-Opperman (Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa), Geoff Bick (Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa)
Data processing Sewage disposal Congresses : Instrumentation, control and automation of water and wastewater treatment and transport systems 1993 : proceedings of the Sixth IAWQ Workshop, held in Banff and Hamilton, Canada, 17-25 June 1993 / editor B. Jank with the assistance of J. Andrews ... [and others]
Data processing Sewerage : Wastewater collection system modeling and design / Haestad Methods [and others]
Data processing Sewerage Fluid dynamics : Computational fluid dynamics : applications in water, wastewater, and stormwater treatment : EWRI computational fluid dynamics task committee / edited by Xiaofeng Liu, Ph. D., PE, Jie Zhang, Ph. D. ; sponsored by the Water Supply, Treatment and Distribution Engineering Committee and the Water, Wastewater & Stormwater Council of The Environmental and Water Resources Institute of The American Society of Civil Engineers
Data processing Sex crimes : Disclosing sexual violence in a digital society : storytelling, activism, and justice / Tully O'Neill
Data processing Shipment of goods Congresses : La télématique dans les transports de marchandises : rapport de la soixante-dix-huitième Table Ronde d'économie des Transports, tenue à Paris les 13 et 14 octobre,1988
Data processing Shorelines United States : Shoreline mapping and change analysis : technical considerations and management implications / edited by Mark R. Brynes, Mark Crowell, and Cindy Fowler
Data processing Situational awareness Congresses : Proceedings of the International Conference on Cybersecurity, Situational Awareness and Social Media : Cyber Science 2022; 20-21 June; Wales / Cyril Onwubiko [and six others], editors
Data processing Slides (Photography) : Perfect medical presentations : creating effective PowerPoint presentations for the healthcare professional / Terry Irwin, Julie Terberg ; foreword by Geoffrey Glazer
Data processing Slovak language : The Slovak language in the digital age = Slovenský jazyk v digitálnom veku / Mária Šimková [and others] ; edited by Georg Rehm, Hans Uszkoreit
Data processing Small business Indonesia : The digitalization of Indonesian small and medium enterprises : human capital, inclusivity and platform capitalism / Trina Fizzanty, Ikbal Maulana, editors