Death -- Causes -- Congresses : Medicolegal death investigation system : workshop summary / Committee for the Workshop on the Medicolegal Death Investigation System, Board on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Death -- Causes -- History : Death investigation in America : coroners, medical examiners, and the pursuit of medical certainty / Jeffrey M. Jentzen
Death Children Early works to 1800 : Plutarch's Advice to the bride and groom, and A consolation to his wife : English translations, commentary, interpretive essays, and bibliography / edited by Sarah B. Pomeroy
Death Children Mexico : Educación, violencia y muerte en menores mexicanos : temas útiles al peritaje para infantes / Liliana Torres Sanders, coordinadora
Death Children United States : Examining the practices and profits of gun manufacturers : hearing before the Committee on Oversight and Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventeenth Congress, second session, July 27, 2022
Death -- China -- Drama : Getting home / [produced by Harvey Wong, Liu Qiang] ; [producer Stanley Tong] ; [starring Zhao Ben Shan, Song Dan Dan, Gua De Gang] ; [director Zhang Yang]
Death -- China -- Hong Kong : Death, dying and bereavement : a Hong Kong Chinese experience / edited by Cecilia Lai Wan Chan and Amy Yin Man Chow