Debtor and creditor -- Lithuania : Republic of Lithuania : financial sector assessment program update : technical note : insolvency and creditor rights assessment
Debtor and creditor (Roman law) : Security and credit in Roman law : the historical evolution of pignus and hypotheca / Hendrik L.E. Verhagen
Debtor and creditor -- Scotland -- Early works to 1800 : The speeches, arguments and determinations of the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session in Scotland : upon that important cause, wherein His Grace the Duke of Hamilton and others were plaintiffs and Archibald Douglas of Douglas, Esq., defendant : with an introductory preface giving an impartial and distinct account of this suit / by a Barrister at law
Debtor and creditor -- Social aspects : A debtor world : interdisciplinary perspectives on debt / edited by Ralph Brubaker, Robert M. Lawless, Charles J. Tabb
Debtor and creditor -- Virginia : A report of the case between Field and Harrison : determined by the High Court of Chancery, in which the decree was reversed by the Court of Appeals
Debtor and creditor -- Wales. : Commercial injunctions (formerly Mareva injunctions and Anton Pillar relief) / Steven Gee ; foreword to the 5th edition by Lord Hoffmann ; appendix A on New York Law and Federal Practice by Jonathan Greenblatt with A. Benjamin Spencer
Debts, External -- Africa, Central -- Econometric models : The choice between external and domestic debt in financing budget deficits : the case of Central and West African countries / Philippe Beaugrand, Boileau Loko, and Montfort Mlachila
Debts, External -- Africa, North. : The Mediterranean debt crescent : money and power in Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, and Turkey / Clement M. Henry
Debts, External -- Africa, West -- Econometric models : The choice between external and domestic debt in financing budget deficits : the case of Central and West African countries / Philippe Beaugrand, Boileau Loko, and Montfort Mlachila
Debts, External -- Albania : Albania : 2011 Article IV consultation : staff report, public information notice on the Executive Board discussion, and statement by the Executive Director for Albania / prepared by the staff representatives for the 2011 consultation with Albania
Debts, External -- Algeria : Algeria : staff report for the 2000 Article IV consultation / [prepared by the staff representatives for the 2000 Article IV consultation with Algeria]
Debts, External -- Antigua and Barbuda : Antigua and Barbuda : 2010 Article IV consultation and request for stand-by arrangement : staff report, supplements, public information notice, press release, and ED's statement / prepared by the Western Hemisphere Dept., in consultation with other departments
Debts, External -- Armenia : Republic of Armenia : recent economic developments and selected issues / prepared by a staff team consisting of Clinton Shiells, Francis Kumah, Christiane Nickel (all EU2), Lynge Nielsen (PDR), and Christine Dieterich (FAD)
Debts, External -- Aruba : Kingdom of the Netherlands : Aruba : 2010 Article IV consultation discussions : staff report, informational annex, staff statement, public information notice on the Executive Board discussion, and statement by the Executive Director for the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Aruba / prepared by the staff representatives for the 2010 consultation discussions with the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Aruba
Debts, External -- Asia, Central : The Russian financial crisis and its consequences for Central Asia / Gonzalo Pastor and Tatiana Damjanovic
Debts, External -- Asia -- Congresses. : Managing financial and corporate distress : lessons from Asia / Charles Adams, Robert E. Litan, and Michael Pomerleano, editors
Debts, External -- Australia -- Statistics. : Australia's current account deficit and overseas debt / The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia. Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Debts, External -- Baltic States : External borrowing by the Baltics, Russia and other countries of the Former Soviet Union : developments and policy issues / prepared by Ishan Kapur and Emmanuel van der Mensbrugghe
Debts, External -- Bangladesh : Bangladesh : request for a three-year arrangement under the extended credit facility