The alterations of modes of medical practice, induced by the threat of liability, for the principal purposes of forestalling lawsuits by patients as well as providing good legal defense in the event that such lawsuits are instituted
Here are entered works on changes in medical practice undertaken for the purpose of preventing possible malpractice suits as well as providing good legal defense in the event such lawsuits are instituted
The alterations of modes of medical practice, induced by the threat of liability, for the principal purposes of forestalling lawsuits by patients as well as providing good legal defense in the event that such lawsuits are instituted
Here are entered works on the sharing of all profits or a predetermined percentage of them among all employees. Works on the distribution of money in the form of a bonus to employees as an outright gift or as a reward for outstanding achievement are entered under Bonuses (Employee fringe benefits). Works on any of a variety of wage payment methods in which workers receive additional earnings solely due to increases in productivity are entered under Gain sharing
Includes two similar disorders: oppositional defiant disorder and CONDUCT DISORDERS. Symptoms occurring in children with these disorders include: defiance of authority figures, angry outbursts, and other antisocial behaviors