Treatment for the prevention of periodontal diseases or other dental diseases by the cleaning of the teeth in the dental office using the procedures of DENTAL SCALING and DENTAL POLISHING. The treatment may include plaque detection, removal of supra- and subgingival plaque and calculus, application of caries-preventing agents, checking of restorations and prostheses and correcting overhanging margins and proximal contours of restorations, and checking for signs of food impaction
Dental calculus. : Biomineralization : fundamentals, processes and potential applications / Carlos W. Brooks, editor
Dental care AIDS (Disease) Patients Australia : Guidelines for the review of dental health services : blood borne viruses : dental services project / Research project commissioned by the Department of Health and Family Services, Commonwealth of Australia and undertaken by the School of Medical Education, The University of New South Wales. Phillip Godwin, Sandra Meihubers and Arie Rotem
Dental care -- Australia -- Planning. : Projected demand and supply for dental visits in Australia : analysis of the impact of changes in key inputs / Dana N. Teusner, Sergio Chrisopoulos, A. John Spencer
Dental care Autistic children : Increasing Dental Compliance for Children with Autism : A Desensitization Package / produced by Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders, Southern Illinois University
Dental care Children Washington (DC) : Oral health in the District of Columbia : parental and provider perspectives / Janice C. Blanchard, Vivian L. Towe, Stephanie Donald
Providing for the full range of dental health services for diagnosis, treatment, follow-up, and rehabilitation of patients
Dental care -- Congresses : Interface oral health science 2011 / K. Sasaki, O. Suzuki, N. Takahashi, editors ; P. Stashenko [and others], associate editors
Here are entered works on the economic aspects of dental service from the point of view of both the dentist and the public. Works on special aspects of dental economics are entered under specific headings, e.g. Dental care, Cost of
Dental Care -- economics : Teeth : the story of beauty, inequality, and the struggle for oral health in America / Mary Otto
Dental Care -- ethics : Justice in oral health care : ethical and educational perspectives / Jos V.M. Welie, Editor
Dental Care for Chronically Ill -- economics : Extending Medicare coverage for preventive and other services / Marilyn J. Field, Robert L. [i.e. Robert S.] Lawrence, and Lee Zwanziger, editors ; Committee on Medicare Coverage Extensions, Division of Health Care Services, Institute of Medicine
Dental care for patients with chronic diseases. These diseases include chronic cardiovascular, endocrinologic, hematologic, immunologic, neoplastic, and renal diseases. The concept does not include dental care for the mentally or physically disabled which is DENTAL CARE FOR DISABLED
The giving of attention to the special dental needs of the elderly for proper maintenance or treatment. The dental care may include the services provided by dental specialists
Dental care for the emotionally, mentally, or physically disabled patient. It does not include dental care for the chronically ill ( = DENTAL CARE FOR CHRONICALLY ILL)
Dental Care for the Chronically Ill : Little and Falace's dental management of the medically compromised patient / James W. Little [and three others]