Deposit insurance -- Japan -- Econometric models : Deposit insurance regulatory forbearance and economic growth : implications for the Japanese banking crisis / [prepared by] Robert Dekle and Kenneth Kletzer
Deposit insurance -- Law and legislation : IL CONTRATTO BANCARIO E LA TUTELA DEL CONSUMATORE : problematiche e profili sostanziali e processuali;problematiche e profili sostanziali e
Deposit insurance -- Malaysia -- Evaluation : Malaysia : publication of financial sector assessment program documentation, detailed assessment of observance of core principles for effective deposit insurance systems
Deposit insurance -- Serbia : Republic of Serbia : Fourth Review Under the Stand-By Arrangement and Requests for Waiver of Non-Observance of End-March Performance Criterion and Modification of End-June Performance Criteria, and Financing Assurances Review
Deposit insurance -- South Africa : South Africa : Financial Sector Assessment Program: financial safety net, bank resolution, and crisis management framework: technical note
Deposit insurance -- Spain : Spain : financial sector assessment program : detailed assessment of observance of the IMF code of good practices on transparency in monetary and financial policies : financial policies / [International Monetary Fund, Monetary and Financial Systems Dept.]
Deposit insurance -- State supervision : Cross-country and cross-sector analysis of transparency of monetary and financial policies / V. Sundararajan, Udaibir S. Das, and Plamen Yossifov
Deposit Rate. : Reserve Requirementson Bank Deposits a+L558s Implicit Taxes : a Case Study of Italy / Lazaros E Molho
Deposit-refund systems. : Taxes and tradable permits as instruments for controlling pollution : theory and practice / prepared by John Norregaard and Valérie Reppelin-Hill
Deposition Episcopal Church Clergy : The documents and facts in the Irvine-Talbot case : with notes on the presentment of Bishop Talbot by William S. Price / prefaced, compiled and commented by Ingram N.W. Irvine