Desobediência civil. : Popular dissent, human agency, and global politics / Roland Bleiker
Désobéissance civile. : Crises of the Republic : Lying in politics ; Civil disobedience ; On violence ; Thoughts on politics and revolution / Hannah Arendt
Desoille, Robert. : Jung's technique of active imagination and Desoille's directed waking dream method : bridging the divide / Laner Cassar
A central nervous system stimulant and sympathomimetic with actions and uses similar to DEXTROAMPHETAMINE. The smokable form is a drug of abuse and is referred to as crank, crystal, crystal meth, ice, and speed
A central nervous system stimulant and sympathomimetic with actions and uses similar to DEXTROAMPHETAMINE. The smokable form is a drug of abuse and is referred to as crank, crystal, crystal meth, ice, and speed
Despard, C. (Charlotte) : Mrs. Despard and the suffrange movement : founder of the Women's Freedom League / Lynne Graham-Matheson, Helen Matheson-Pollock
Despard, Catherine : Red round globe hot burning : a tale at the crossroads of commons and closure, of love and terror, of race and class, and of Kate and Ned Despard / Peter Linebaugh
Despard, Edward Marcus, 1751-1803. : Red round globe hot burning : a tale at the crossroads of commons and closure, of love and terror, of race and class, and of Kate and Ned Despard / Peter Linebaugh