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Developing contries Women Services for Finance Congresses : A report of the "Dialogue Between Women from Developing Countries and Donor Agency Representatives" : at the NGO Forum, during the World Conference for the U.N. Decade for Women, July 1980, Copenhagen / Joanne Sandler, Marilyn Richards  1980? 1
Developing couintries Economic development projects Evaluation : Cost-benefit analysis and project appraisal in developing countries / edited by Colin Kirkpatrick and John Weiss  1996 1
Developing counries Natural resources Management Case studies : Indigenous knowledge (C.A.B. International)  2017 1
Developing countires Water harvesting : Novel approaches to rainwater harvesting and sanitation in developing countries / Roman Tandlich, editor  2017 1
  Developing countries -- 3 Related Subjects   3
Developing countries.   5181
Developing countries 5G mobile communication systems Security measures Case studies : 5G, Cybersecurity and Privacy in Developing Countries  2023 1
Developing countries Abnormalities, Human Prevention : Reducing birth defects : meeting the challenge in the developing world / Committee on Improving Birth Outcomes, Board on Global Health ; Judith R. Bale, Barbara J. Stoll, and Adetokunbo O. Lucas, editors  2003 1
Developing countries Abortion Government policy : The global gag rule and women's reproductive health : rhetoric versus reality / Yana van der Meulen Rodgers  2018 1
Developing countries Abortion Law and legislation : The global gag rule and women's reproductive health : rhetoric versus reality / Yana van der Meulen Rodgers  2018 1
Developing countries Absorptive capacity (Economics) : Sterilizing capital inflows / Jang-Yung Lee  1997 1
Developing countries Abused women : Battered dreams : violence against women as an obstacle to development / Roxanna Carrillo  1992 1
Developing countries Academic achievement : Low-fee private schooling and poverty in developing countries / Joanna Härmä  2021 1
Developing countries Academic achievement Cross-cultural studies : Third World education : quality and equality / edited by Anthony R. Welch  2000 1
Developing countries Academic-industrial collaboration   2
Developing countries Academic-industrial collaboration Economic aspects : Developing national systems of innovation : university-industry interactions in the global South / edited by Eduardo Albuquerque, Wilson Suzigan, Glenda Kruss, Keun Lee  2015 1
Developing countries Academic libraries Congresses : University libraries in developing countries : structure and function in regard to information transfer for science and technology : proceedings of the IFLA/Unesco Pre-Session Seminar for Librarians from Developing Countries, München, August 16-19, 1983 / edited by Anthony J. Loveday and Günter Gattermann  1985 1
Developing countries Academic writing Political aspects   2
Developing countries Accounting   7
Developing countries Accounting Case studies Periodicals : Research in third world accounting  1993 1
Developing countries Accounting Periodicals : Journal of accounting in emerging economies  2011- 1
Developing countries Accounting Research Periodicals   2
Developing countries Accounting Standards   2
Developing countries Accounting Standards Periodicals : Research in third world accounting  1993 1
Developing countries Accounting Study and teaching : Accounting education and the Third World / American Accounting Association, Committee on International Accounting Operations and Education 1976-1978  1978 1
Developing countries Accrual basis accounting : Performance budgeting-- is accrual accounting required? / Jack Diamond  2002 1
Developing countries Achievement motivation in women : Empowering Rural Women : Micro-enterprise through Achievement Motivation  2012 1
Developing countries Acquisitions (Libraries) Congresses : University libraries in developing countries : structure and function in regard to information transfer for science and technology : proceedings of the IFLA/Unesco Pre-Session Seminar for Librarians from Developing Countries, München, August 16-19, 1983 / edited by Anthony J. Loveday and Günter Gattermann  1985 1
Developing countries Action research   3
Developing countries Action research Citizen participation : Agricultures tropicales en poche : innover avec les acteurs du monde rural  2010 1
Developing countries -- Action research -- Congresses : Evaluating social development projects / edited by David Marsden and Peter Oakley  1990 1
Developing countries Activism : Citizenship utopias in the Global South : the emergent forms of activism in an era of disillusionment / edited by Henri Onodera, Martta Kaskinen, Eija Ranta  2025 1
Developing countries Administrative agencies : The rise of the regulatory state of the South : infrastructure and development in emerging economies / edited by Navroz K. Dubash and Bronwen Morgan  2013 1
Developing countries Administrative agencies Accounting : Securing development : public finance and the security sector ; a guide to public expenditure reviews in the security and criminal justice sectors / Bernard Harborne, William Dorotinsky, Paul M. Bisca, editors  2017 1
Developing countries Administrative agencies Congresses : Zur Analyse von Institutionen im Entwicklungsprozeß und in der internationalen Zusammenarbeit  1989 1
Developing countries Administrative agencies Corrupt practices : The Poverty of Corrupt Nations  2010 1
Developing countries Administrative agencies Reorganization : Administrative reform in developing nations / edited by Ali Farazmand  2002 1
Developing countries Adult education   4
Developing countries Adult education Economic aspects : Lifelong learning and development : a southern perspective / Julia Preece  2009 1
Developing countries Adult education Periodicals : Adult education and development. (Online)    1
Developing countries Adult education Social aspects : Adult education, basic skills, culture, development and education / Rogier van't Rood  1988 1
Developing countries Adulthood   2
Developing countries -- Advertising : The baby killer scandal : a War on Want investigation into the promotion and sale of powdered baby milks in the Third World / Andy Chetley  1979 1
Developing countries Advertising Baby foods : The politics of baby foods : successful challenges to an international marketing strategy / Andrew Chetley  1986 1
Developing countries Advertising Food : Metasex : the discourse of intimacy and transgression / Anne Storch, Nico Nassenstein  2020 1
Developing countries Aeronautics, Military : The failure of third world air power : Iraq and the war with Iran / by Douglas A. Kupersmith  1993 1
Developing countries Africa Foreign economic relations Congresses : South-South cooperation : Africa on the centre stage / edited by Renu Modi  2011 1
Developing countries Africa Relations Congresses : South-South cooperation : Africa on the centre stage / edited by Renu Modi  2011 1
Developing countries Aging Social aspects   2
Developing countries Agricultural assistance   8
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