Dharma (Buddhism) -- Sermons. : A life of inner quality : a comprehensive guide to Buddist practice; 10 talks given by Venerable Ācariya Maha Boowa Ñāṇasampanno / translated from the Thai by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu
Dharma -- Congresses. : The concept of duty in South Asia / edited by Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty, J. Duncan M. Derrett
Dharma-wardana, Chandre -- Philosophy : A physicist's view of matter and mind / Chandre Dharma-wardana, National Research Council of Canada, University of Montréal, Canada
Dharmakīrti, active 7th century. Pramāṇasiddhi. : Dharmakīrti on the cessation of suffering : a critical edition with translation and comments of Manorathanandin's Vṛtti and Vibhūticandra's glosses on Pramāṇavārttika ii. 190-216 / by Cristina Pecchia ; with the assistance of Philip Pierce
Dharmakīrti, active 7th century. Pramāṇavārttika. : Is enlightenment possible? : Dharmakīrti and rGyal tshab rje on knowledge, rebirth, no-self and liberation / introduced, translated, and annotated by Roger R. Jackson