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Book Cover
Author Moin, Jahangir, author

Title Epidemiology of diabetes / Jahangir Moin
Published Amsterdam, Netherlands : Elsevier, 2019


Description 1 online resource
Contents Front Cover; Epidemiology of Diabetes; Copyright Page; Dedication; Contents; About the Author; Preface; Acknowledgments; 1 Introduction and History of Diabetes Mellitus; History; Origins; Signs and Symptoms; Pathophysiology; Diagnosis; Prevalence of Diabetes in the United States; Treatment; Lessons From the History of Diabetes; Further Reading; 2 The Pancreas and Classifications of Insulin; The Pancreas; The Pancreatic Islets; Functions of the Pancreas; Alpha Cells; Beta Cells; Amylin; Delta Cells; Hyperglycemic and Hypoglycemic Hormones; Secretion of Glucagon
Synthesis and Secretion of InsulinClassifications of Insulin; Long-Acting Insulins; Rapid-Acting Insulins; Ultra-Rapid-Acting Insulins; Inhaled (Short-Acting) Insulins; Older (Intermediate-Acting) Types of Insulin; Premixed Insulins; U-500 Insulin; The Brain, Glucose, and Insulin; Secretion of Somatostatin; Counter-Regulatory Hormones; Catecholamines; Growth Hormone; Glucocorticoid Hormones; Further Reading; 3 Pathophysiology of Diabetes; Role of Insulin in Metabolism; Glucose Metabolism and Storage; Fat Metabolism and Storage; Protein Metabolism and Storage; Hypoglycemia
Responses to HypoglycemiaPathophysiology of Hypoglycemia; Clinical Manifestations of Hypoglycemia; Diagnosis of Hypoglycemia; Treatment of Hypoglycemia; Late Hypoglycemia of Occult Diabetes; Functional Alimentary Hypoglycemia; Pediatric Hypoglycemia; Congenital Hyperinsulinism; Transient Hyperinsulinism; Transitional Neonatal Hypoglycemia; Infants of Diabetic Mothers; Miscellaneous Factors; Persistent Hyperinsulinism; Channel Defects; Sulfonylurea Receptor and Kir6.2; Diffuse or Focal Disease; Metabolic Defects; Hyperglycemia; Types of Diabetes Mellitus; Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Type 2 Diabetes MellitusGestational Diabetes Mellitus; Systemic Glucose Balance Maintenance; Insulin Decrease; Glucagon Increase; Epinephrine Increase; Physiology of Glucose Counter-Regulation; Risk Factors for Hypoglycemia in Diabetes; Prevention of Hypoglycemia; Neonatal Diabetes; Further Reading; 4 The Epidemic and Prevalence of Diabetes in the United States; Prevalence; Distribution of Diabetes by Gender and Age; Deaths Attributable to Diabetes; Global Prevalence of Diabetes; Disability Adjusted Life-Years for Diabetes; Burden of Diabetes in the United States
Mortality from Diabetes in the United StatesPopulation-Based Models of Diabetes; Further Reading; 5 Epidemiology of Diet and Diabetes Mellitus; Current Dietary Patterns in the United States; Carbohydrates; Monosaccharides; Disaccharides; Polysaccharides; Fiber; Glycoproteins; Lipids; Fatty Acids; Triglycerides; Phospholipids; Glycerol; Head Group; Glycolipids and Sphingolipids; Cholesterol; Steroids; Eicosanoids; Lipoproteins; Bile Salts; Elevated Triglycerides and Cholesterol; Proteins; Amino Acids; Structural Proteins; Alcohol Consumption; Binge Drinking; Nutritional Intervention
Summary The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that more than 100 million US adults are living with diabetes or prediabetes. As of 2015, 30.3 million Americans have diabetes, which represents 9.4% of the US population. Medical care costs are estimated in the billions of dollars to treat, manage, and care for those diagnosed with diabetes in the United States. Epidemiology of Diabetes addresses the patterns, risk factors and prevention of the epidemic of diabetes in the US population. Diabetes is a costly and common disease that needs serious attention and awareness. Diabetes causes devastating consequences such as neuropathy, retinopathy, nephropathy and vasculopathy. This succinct reference focuses on the current data and research on diabetes and is essential reading for diabetes care providers, as well as health care decision makers. Serves as a starting point for medical professionals addressing the patterns, risk factors, prevention, and treatment of the epidemic of diabetes in the US population. Discusses the epidemic and prevalence of diabetes in the United States, covering the disability, burden and mortality of diabetes. Covers the epidemiology of nutrition and diet, addressing carbohydrates and fiber, fats, protein, alcohol, and nutritional intervention
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes Print version record
Subject Diabetes -- Epidemiology
Diabetics -- United States
Diabetes Mellitus
MEDICAL -- Forensic Medicine.
MEDICAL -- Preventive Medicine.
MEDICAL -- Public Health.
Diabetes -- Epidemiology
United States
United States
Form Electronic book
ISBN 9780128173251